Which Topic Is Narrow Enough For A Short Persuasive Essay How People Can Lead A Productive Life
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Writing an Immigrant Story Essay - Writing Tips
Writing an Immigrant Story Essay - Writing TipsWriting an immigrant story is not as easy as it sounds. A good story starts from a simple premise with many components and these components might change or go out of the way but always the essence remains the same. Here are some important tips to help you achieve this objective.First, you need to write a full comprehension of the immigrant story. Write your thoughts and emotions about the hardships faced by the immigrant to the country or communities and realize the worthlessness of remaining in the land of your origin. You need to know the hardships that they faced to achieve their success and keep their self-respect intact.Second, a good immigrant story needs a development to strengthen the culture. You need to understand what the immigrants thought and feel to be the main theme of the story. If you lack this insight, the story will become diluted and you might forget to highlight the main point or nuances. So, be ready to spend time t o put up the story and then write about the development of the country.Third, make sure that the story is about the migrant story. The themes are multi-layered and you can't limit yourself to just one or two parts. Look for story lines that would include both the nationalities and explain the various problems of the country and its people as well.Fourth, the best approach is to write strong narratives. Make sure that the stories are not only about the main characters but about all the characters of the story. They should get equal importance and should flow and blend with each other. This would definitely create a powerful story and will definitely appeal to the readers.Fifth, find a topic and start writing. Remember, the main task is to provide a solid basis for writing your story. So, don't worry about the length as the length would depend on the topic.A good immigrant story will impress your audience. However, if you intend to write a story about your own country, you need to sea rch for stories about the origins of the country and what it is like and also why the country has developed so much.
Monday, May 18, 2020
The American Criminal Justice System - 1398 Words
The American Criminal Justice system is arguably one of the most fair systems in the world. However, like anything it has its flaws. There are many flaws but the largest three, in my opinion, would be the fact that we have the highest incarceration rate of any other country, the high penalties for drug users, as well as the jury system. The high incarceration rates and the penalties for drug users affect each other but they are still issues on their own. In fact, many of issues within our system coincide within each other. Addressing the incarceration rate issue, since 2002 the United States of America has had the largest incarceration rate in the world. Other countries have hovered around one hundred prisoners per one hundred thousand population, however the United States. has been at approximately five hundred prisoners per one hundred thousand population. In America men have fourteen times higher incarceration rate than women, is it because men commit more crimes than women? Or is there a bias on the male population. The Telegraph, A magazine operating from the United Kingdom, says that women commit petty crimes and their criminal careers are shorter lived, and this has been going on since the early 1970’s. The top five sources of incarceration in america from least common to most common are offenses that everyone can think of. Assault, which accounts for more than one million offenses each year. Larceny, also known as theft is also one of the largest felonies inShow MoreRelatedThe American Criminal Justice System873 Words  | 4 PagesThe American criminal justice system has set up laws and by breaking the laws would be considered a crime, and depending on the crime that is broken have different types of degrees. And these crimes can be broken into three different categorize and whether or not it will be classified as a felony, misdemeanor or an infraction. A victimless crime is a crime that goes against societies values, norm but the people invo lved with these criminal acts do not feel victimized, compared to if they were beingRead MoreThe American Criminal Justice System1866 Words  | 8 Pagesthe American criminal justice system for more than two centuries. In its mandate to regulate government power to judge people accused of transgressing against the laws of the society, the mechanism of the jury allows the citizens themselves to determine the guilt or innocence of the person. Though juries have generally served a vital function in the criminal justice system, the reputation of the jury system has come under fire over the past several years. Commentators charge that the system insulatesRead MoreThe American Criminal Justice System3283 Words  | 14 Pageslaws have been one of the most controversial issues facing the American criminal justice system. In general, advocates believe that locking up criminals will protect society. Critics believe that three-strike policy can only be effective with offenders that are on their last strikes (Worrall, 2008). However, other critics explain how three-strike laws don’t significantly reduce crime because most criminals mature out of the criminal lifestyle (Worrall, 2004). There are two cases that pushed andRead MoreAmerican Criminal Justice System Change990 Words  | 4 Pagesconcept of American criminal justice system change? At first, I didn’t know anything about American Criminal Justice System. The definition of criminal justice system I looked up on the internet was that it is a system that is established to control crime and impose penalties on those who violate the law in order to maintain social order. But is it the full definition of criminal justice system in America? Are there any aspects that can be added to this definition? American criminal justice system seemsRead MoreRacism And The American Criminal Justice System1584 Words  | 7 PagesToday, African Americans and other minorities are over-represented in the criminal justice system, but under-represented politically in the United States of America. Since well before its inception in 1776, the United States of America has been a nation characterized by white supremacy. In fact, modern day America may not exist if not for the taking of land from the Indigenous Peoples on this very premise. Today, many Americans believe they live in a post-racial nation, citing the abolition ofRead MoreAfrican Americans And The Criminal Justice System Essay1688 Words  | 7 PagesThere are many ways the criminal justice system plays a huge role in the discrimination against all people of color. Mostly, there are a wide range of studies within the African American communities that expresses concern, prejudice, and even racial profiling in the criminal justice s ystem pertaining to blacks. Judges, jurors, police officers, and even marriages are key roles of the societal disadvantages African Americans have. African Americans are even being arrested more than any other race inRead MoreAfrican Americans And The Criminal Justice System1542 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction African American males are overrepresented in the criminal justice and many times are subject to harsher sentences than their Caucasian counterparts. African American males also experience racial profiling and have more negative interactions than any other population in the United States. Ibie, Obie, and Obiyan states, â€Å"African Americans have continued to be the repository for American crime and to be treated as amalgamation of presumed group trait rather than as individuals†. ThisRead MoreThe Bias Of The American Criminal Justice System Essay1855 Words  | 8 PagesThe bias in the American criminal justice system is first reported in the first stages of the system, which includes the (act of asking questions and trying to find the truth about something) and arrest of the suspected people by police personnel (American Civil Liberties Union, 2013). These police personnel discriminately target the minorities as criminal suspects, which eventually skews the racial popu lation of the people arrested, charged, put in jail or convicted (Cole, Smith, DeJong, 2013)Read MoreAfrican Americans And The Criminal Justice System1500 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout American history, the African-American population has been in the minority, and has been persecuted for hundreds of years. What Taylor-Thompson is stating is that African-Americans usually hold the minority in court decisions as well, which poses a problem due to the majority overriding their vote. Due to the racial tensions, the judicial system ultimately changed in order to include more minorities in juries, however it was lopsided during the Simpson trial. During the tumultuous 1990sRead MoreThe American Court System And Criminal Justice System1750 Words  | 7 PagesThe System Each year, approximately ten-thousand people are convicted of crimes that they did not commit (Spring). Ten-thousand people that will never see their kids grow up, ten-thousand people that will miss out on life, ten-thousand people whose lives will never be the same. Men and women are on death row for decades, only to be exonerated after their execution. Where is the justice in that? Prisons are also overcrowded and according to political scientist David Hudson, America holds five percent
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Oku no Hosomichi and Tosa Nikki Compare and Contrast
Comparing Oku no Hosomichi and Tosa Nikki within reason is very difficult because of the many factors that must be taken into account. The authors were from different time periods, the writing style is different, the subject is different, and many other things all contribute to its difficulty. While there are many differences there are perhaps an equal number of similarities between the two works, which offers a converse view of the relationship between them. In regards to the authors of Oku no Hosomichi and Tosa Nikki, Matsuo BashÃ… and Ki no Tsurayuki respectively, there are several points of interest when comparing them. One of the main points is that the authors lived in completely different times, which shows in their style of†¦show more content†¦Oku no Hosomichi is arguably an evolved form of Tosa Nikki as it is reminiscent of the Tosa Nikki in many ways. Also in regards to religion, it is a very distinguishable point that there was a great deal of religion in Ok u no Hosomichi which was not present in Tosa Nikki. There are many easily discernable religious themes like impermanence, karma, and even Chinese concepts like yin and yang. This is a key point in looking at the Oku no Hosomichi because of the fact that Matsuo BashÃ… frequently referenced many famous religious poets like SaigyÃ… . In terms of rhetoric there is an emphasis on the poetry in both works. Much of the poetry in the Tosa Nikki reflects grief and tragedy which complements the overall theme of the work. Alternately, the Oku no Hosomichi has poetry that focuses on nature and distinguishes itself in its more blatant and somewhat vulgar advances. The poetry of the Tosa Nikki was also placed towards the occasion as an accompaniment and while the poetry of Oku no Hosomichi was also in accompaniment to the situation, BashÃ… many times also included the back story to the poem in detail. It is also important to note that the Tosa Nikki was written in a combination of pros e and the more traditional waka, while the Oku no Hosomichi was written in both prose and haiku. Also the writing of the Tosa Nikki was in Chinese characters mainly because the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Effects Of Ageism On The Delivery Of Nursing Care For...
The aim of this essay is to provide the audience with an understanding of ageism in healthcare by critically analyzing the impact of ageism on the delivery of nursing care for the older person. This essay will be based from the perspective of the impact of a registered nurse’s ageist behaviour on the older patient, the nursing care of the older patient and the impact on colleagues in the health care team. This essay will also discuss theories and relevant principles of ageism, nursing care and the health care environment as well as Identifying and explaining two strategies that are effective in addressing ageism in health care. Ageism is a form of discrimination. Ageism is the discrimination of a person, or group of people based on their age (dictionary.com, 2016). Note that this can be discrimination of any age group, however for this essay, it will be used in the context of discrimination of the elderly population. The elderly population accounts for 50% of hospital sta ys, 70% of home health services and 90% of residents in aged care homes where a further 90% of residents fall victim to and experience ageism throughout their stay (Fitzpatrick Kazer, 2012). The elderly account for such a large proportion of the population using healthcare services, therefore, in turn, is the reason for a large percentage of a number of jobs existing in healthcare. As well as being the reason for providing a large amount of healthcare jobs, the majority of aged people continue toShow MoreRelatedChallenges of Caring for Elderly Patients1839 Words  | 7 Pages ​As the generation of baby boomers goes into the older adult phase, the number of elderly individuals requiring medical services will certainly magnify (Topaz, Maxim Doron, 2013). Older patients who come to the emergency department usually have more complicated conditions than younger patients. The older persons typically have multiple co-existing diseases, take different medications and present w ith atypical symptoms (Peters, 2010). The management of elderly patients is further complicated byRead More‚Äà ºElderly Care: Attitudes of Nurses‚Äà ¹976 Words  | 4 Pagesexpect that the nurse render culturally competent care and one major aim is to help promote independence and help client maintain or restore activities of daily living. The age 65 becomes the boundary of old age. Why does the age group continue to grow, Erickson said longer life span, better medicine, better treatment and better diagnosis testing answers the question. Diversity is also increasing due to naturalization and immigration, a majority of older adult live in non-institutional setting; howeverRead MoreAgeism in Healthcare6728 Words  | 27 Pagesï » ¿ Age Related Healthcare Discrimination (Ageism) in Healthcare Student Name Professor Name DHA-865 July 14, 2013 Age Related Healthcare Discrimination (Ageism) in Healthcare While the â€Å"Greatest Generation†is a title often given to those Americans who lived and died during the era of the Great Depression and World War II, their offspring, the â€Å"Baby Boom†generation, significantly shaped and improved the American landscape as well if for no greater reason thanRead MoreEssay on Nursing Care Plan2695 Words  | 11 PagesIntroduction: A nursing diagnosis identifies an actual or potential response of a patient to a health problem (Jones 2009). Nursing diagnoses are important because they provide the foundation for the selection of nursing interventions (Walton 2008). This care plan is the concluding half to the initial care plan that identified nursing diagnoses and goals with the aim of promoting the holistic wellbeing, mental health, and independence of a 68 year old Mr. Bertoli who has returned home from hospitalRead MoreProblems Faced By Senior Population Essay2310 Words  | 10 Pagesin the number of older adults throughout the world. Elderly people are the most rapidly increasing age group in Canada. In 2000 there was about 3.8 million Canadians were 65 years older. Statistics of Canada projects that by 2021, it will get doubled (Hick S., 2010, p.270). It is sure that this demographic trend will affect most part of our society, especially the health care needs and the delivery of health services. There wil l be a huge increase in the issues that affect the older Canadians. It isRead MoreDevelopment in Late Adulthood1779 Words  | 8 Pagesof the population is over the age of 65, compared with 3 percent at the beginning of this century. This dramatic increase in the demographics of older adulthood has given rise to the discipline of gerontology, or the study of old age and aging. Gerontologists are particularly interested in confronting ageism, or prejudice and discrimination against older adults. Aging inevitably means physical decline, some of which may be due to lifestyle, such as poor diet and lack of exercise, rather than illnessRead MoreA Reflection On The Mental Capacity Act2563 Words  | 11 PagesMy chosen reflection piece is on ageism, see appendix one. I will provide evidence reflecting the links between diabetes and depression, which will form my chosen seminar topic, see appendix two. I will then critically analyze the mental capacity Act (2005) and relate it to my specific scenario, see appendix three. I will explore how nurses the Act within nursing practice, decision- making, and how we access a person’s capacity to make specific decisions. I will explore any ethical issues that mayRead MoreAssessment and Nurses2996 Words  | 12 Pagesof APIE, explaining their importance in nursing, as well as identifying possible problems within the stages, in relation to the videos of Joe. These issues will then be anaylsed using theory, to create possible expla nations and consequences for the behaviour and actions shown by Joe and the nurses. APIE is a nursing process which guides health professionals through the problem solving approach, which promotes the individualised, holistic delivery of care. It is tailored around the patient’s needs
DNA Replicaiton Cause Cancer Essay - 1541 Words
Part A : Defects in DNA Replication Cause Cancer I. Introduction As known today, cancer is one of the most lethal diseases in the world. Millions of people died every year caused by various type of cancer, but the concern is that what does really caused the cancer itself? Is it because of the lifestyle people have nowadays? Or because of environment that has changed? Or even sometimes because of the flaw in the replication of DNA? There are lots of probabilities to cause cancer. In this section, we will discuss about how does DNA replication could end to cause cancer. II. Replication of DNA DNA replication is a process to create two identical molecules of DNA by unification of the DNA on the parent DNA (DNA template). New DNA strands†¦show more content†¦Well, there is a lot of factor leading to cancer. But there are some major factor that have take a big part in causing cancer to human. Major causes why cancer happened in human is because of consumption of tobacco and was found in 1964 as the biggest factor that lead to lung cancer by US surgeon (Anand et al., 2008). Other big factor that proved caused of cancer is a lot of alcohol drinking. Alcohol consumption is an established risk factor for cancers of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, liver, colorectum, and female breast, and there is some evidence of an association with pancreatic cancer (The American Cancer Society, 2011). Radiation risked human to cancer. That comes with the fact that one of the most common cancer is caused by radiation, it could be because of some common radiation in example UV (ultraviolet) light, X-ray, etc. Exposure to UV radiation is a major risk for various types of skin cancers including basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma (Anand et al., 2008). Diet also lead people to cancer, consumption of red meat in big amount with specific amount of time could lead to intestine cancer. Nitrates and nitrites in meat interfere botulinic exotoxin production in the body (Divisi, Tommaso, Salvemini, Garramone, Crisci, 2006). People who are obese have a higher risk of cancer than the normal people are. V. Treatment People with cancer must be treated with particular treatment as it’s a state where they
Software Development Company Has A Poorly †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Software Development Company Has A Poorly? Answer: Introducation This is the evaluation, understanding and the scope of the network that need to be implemented by 5Star Company (Techopedia, 2017). The network consists of various components ranging from network cabling (circuits), hardware components and software components. These components are interconnected to form a network layout or topology that represents how the network design looks like and operates. Network Circuits This consists of transmission media that allow computers to communicate with each other across the network. The main media being the network cables that are required for the proposed network include: Fiber cable This will act as a transmission media and connects networking devices for faster transmission across the network. This transmission cable will connect core components to distribution components and end user components in the network. Ethernet cat5 cable This cable shall be used to connect access layer devices to the whole 5Star Company LANs in each building. RJ 45 Plugs This will be used for network cable termination for the proposed network design. Hardware Components Network Switches This provides interconnection of other network devices within a network (Mitchell, 2017). The types of switches that 5Star Company should go for based on future extensibility factor are modular switches. This kind of switch will enhance flexibility and future extensibility for 5Star Company. These switches support modular line cards that allow addition of ports on the switch in the case of scaling the management. Router This device will allow connection of 5Star networks and extend to internet accessibility. The router will enhance communications between the three LAN networks for 5Star Company. Wireless Access Point (WAP) This will ensure that additional or other clients or workstations are connected to 5Star network wirelessly. The device will broadcast digital signals across 5Star Company at a given range. Server Components These include; DNS server, mail server, Web server, file server, DHCP server, Database server and print server. The devices will provide important functionalities in the network design. Workstations devices These are employees personal computers, office IP phones among other devices connected to the 5Star Network. Software Components These include operating systems, Network Operating System (NOS) which are executed other network for sharing resources across the 5Star Network. Another software is Anti-Virus software to enable the company overcome malicious attacks from external attackers. The network to be designed will therefore rely on the named components in order for the design to be successful (Mbaocha, 2012). Network Logical Design The diagram below represent 5Star Network logical design based on the three-layered hierarchical network model proposed for the network. 5Star Data Center hosts all the dedicated servers available on this network design. The data center processes all the requests from the workstations as well as providing assignment of IP addresses to new devices in the network. Therefor all the operations of the company will highly rely on the dedicated server hosted at the data center. Physical Network Design The following depicts a physical layout of the proposed 5Star Software Development Company. The diagram above represents the three buildings of the company which are Software Development, Technical and Administrative Building. All these three buildings have different LANs which are interconnected in the core and all accessed servers that are centrally hosted in the cloud. References CISCO, 2014. Campus Design Summary. Singapore: Cisco. Coleman, N., 2012. Happy Haven Day care network design proposal. Michigan: Network Solution Inc. Mbaocha, C.C., 2012. DESIGN OF CAMPUS LAN WITH FUTO AS A CASE STUDY. Academic Research International. Mitchell, B., 2017. Internet and Network. What is Computer Networking?, pp.1-3. Techopedia, 2017. marketing. [Online] Available at: https://www.techopedia.com/definition/30186/network-design/ [Accessed 27 September 2017]
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Business Ethics Theories
Question: Using practical examples,critically evaluate how organisations can adopt and apply ethical theories into their operations to demonstrate their business ethics and CSR programmes? Answer: Introduction Ethics is considered one the most important philosophies to run a business efficiently. The original meaning of ethics being custom or character, but the ethics in todays world means principles of conduct. Business ethics forms an important branch of applied ethics. It consists of subjects that arises moral problems and ethical principles in a business environment. Solomon distinguishes business ethics into three levels: micro, macro and molar. Micro level is concerned with rules that implicate fair exchange between two individuals. The macro level is concerned with the cultural and institutional rules of commerce in a society. The molar level is concerned with the basic unit of commerce. Business is related to both individual and society. Corporate Social Responsibility and ethical practices can be implemented in companies as an idealistic idea. The abuse of power by decision making must be eradicated and behaviors that will be recognized by the stakeholders must be assessed. All th e companies give a right shape to their companies by increasing the social responsibilities towards a better society. Therefore it has an influence on a business. The importance of ethics in business life makes it important for the companies to form ethical codes (Gulcan, 2011). Business Ethics Business ethics is a reflection on ethical dimensions followed in business or institutions. It involves analysis of moral issues and uses categories such as utility, obligations and justice. The problems addressed are internal such as discrimination in promotion and hiring. The external issues concern with the stakeholders, environmental issues and governmental compliances (Brenkert and Beauchamp, 2010). Importance Of Business Ethics To A Company Business ethics is important because the society cares about the well being. Business must use their power in a way that is concerned with interests of multiple stakeholders. The actions or a decision taken by a company affects everyone involved in the organization. The stakeholders include employees, suppliers, shareholders (Bowie, 2013). It is important for an organization to act in a way because the reputation is at stake. The businesses must act responsibly by not causing financial damage. Creating trust and value is important in a business; equally important is to maintain the value and trust. The code of business ethics is important for the company. The righteousness of the act is proven by the consequences. (TrevinÃÅ'Æ’o and Nelson, 2004). Ethical Theories Ethical theories are divided into two main categories- Teleological Theories and Deontological Theories Teleological theories are based on Consequential approach and are also known as result based ethics. Consequentialism is based upon two main principles namely- If the act is right or wrong that is judged upon the results The righteousness of the act is proven by the consequences. The Consequentialism theory is based upon two main theories- Utilitarianism- This theory can be summed up as the greatest good for the greatest number. As per this theory, actions must be evaluated by their consequences. The classical utilitarianism theory was propounded by Jeremy Bentham. The utilitarianism act proves morally right only if it maximizes the utility. The utilitarian sets out relevant alternatives that are devised by him. He lists to individuals who might be affected by the decision or while the decision making process. As assessment is made how the individuals might be affected while applying the alternative acts. An act will be chosen by the utilitarian that would maximize utility. It results in creating the greatest total balance of benefit than harm. Rule Utilitarianism is another form of theory, in which the rule utilitarianism brings out the greatest good (Shore, Coyle-Shapiro and Tetrick, 2012). Hedonism is a fundamental moral obligation for maximizing pleasure or happiness. The doctrine lies in pleasure or happiness or good chief in life. Deontological Theory follows the non-consequential approach for which the morality of actions is based on adherence to rules. They focus upon independent duties. The scientific meaning of deontological theories is the science of duty. The theories in accordance with this theory are duty theories, rights theories. The deontologists believe in acting what is right. The moral philosophy state followed is that of Kants. Professor Kant believed in a theory of doing the right thing even if it produced a bad result (Duska, 2007). Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate Social Responsibility is a concept where companies integrate environmental and social concerns along with their business operations. It is an imperative towards the community and environment. It implies the perspective of an organization to be sustainable. The expectations of shareholders and stakeholders are addressed while maintaining a balance in economic, social and environmental concerns (Okpara and Idowu, 2013) Csr Programmes According to Dobers (2009), CSR has gained importance as organizational value and gained importance for corporations. CSR involves activities that affect the social attributes and environment while adopting advanced human resources management programs. CSR is required by the organizations to expand an understanding of the responsibilities of stakeholders. Ethics can be used as a critical component that affects organizations decisions and responsibilities. CSR also helps in building a corporate reputation (Gonzalez-Perez and Leonard, 2013). Criteria Of Corporate Social Responsibiltiy Economic Responsibility- The economic responsibility in a business is producing goods and services in needs with the society and maximizes its profits for owners and shareholders. It is also called as profit maximization responsibility. It also involves maintaining a competitive position in the market. If a company decides to contribute a part of earning back to the society, it must increase its return. The profitability has to adhere with performance in the marketplace (Daft and Marcic, 2004). Legal Responsibility- Society has to comply with laws and regulations in accordance with earning profits. The laws and regulations that are promulgated by local and state governments must be complied with. The social contracts exist between society and business to pursue economic missions. The laws like equal employment, opportunity commission and environmental protection and a company breaking such laws are considered for their poor performance. The business must engage its resources for business activities and needs to stay within the framework of law. Environmental Responsibility- The environmental approach in CSR programmes includes greater use of renewable resources and greater recyclability of materials. The products produced by the business must integrate environmental management tools into business plans and maintain the environmental standards. The business must aim in causing least harm to the environment and maintain greenery around. Initiatives must be taken by the companies in promoting a greener environment (Babiak and Trendafilova, 2011) According to Morimoto, Ash and Hope (2005), the six key elements to successful implementation of CSR are good corporate leadership, integration of CSR into corporate policy at all divisions in business, good coordination between government and civil society, good stakeholder management and regulation of national and international level (Moon, 2007). The companies can have a pursuit towards long term competitiveness and can utilize a wider community with expertise. The Key Performance Indicators can be used in maintaining a balanced scorecard and measure performance. CSR helps in removal of misconduct in the company by abiding through laws and regulations. Case Studies There are several case studies in the world that have provided examples of implementing corporate social responsibility and abiding with the ethics code. These case studies are examples on how the businesses must incorporate corporate social responsibility and ethics in their business structure. These examples give businesses an idea that the business can attain profitability even with the incorporation of ethics and social responsibility. Football Club Barcelona It is the one of the most attractive and favorite club for football lovers. The club was founded in 1899. The club is commonly known as Barca in order to sustain its identity. The organization faced various ups and downs; there have been phases for success as well as failures. The management board consists of a president and vice president. Various responsibilities were undertaken and socially responsible activities were conducted in order to fulfill the goals. The company did a lot of charity work to show a concern in the society. A few strategic initiatives were undertaken by the club. The company developed sponsorships with a few nonprofit organizations and helped the government with its debt clearance. The company developed alliance with UNICEF to help children having vulnerable diseases, UNESCO in order to handle issue of doping, UNHCR in order to create a healthy and wealthy atmosphere for citizens (Ceskakinantropologie.cz, 2015). The club made efforts to rise in the eyes of pe ople to be more than just a football club. It supported various programs with the aim of providing welfare to the needy people. The foundation is based upon promotion and education of positive values of sports. The company uses children and adolescents as beneficiaries. Football club Barcelona created a sense of trust among individuals with collaboration and shared values. The Catalan contributes a certain percentage of its income to the FC Barcelona Foundation. The company invests in building self-development, community, character and belonging. The management still needs to find new revenue streams facing challenges like other business (Foundation.fcbarcelona.com, 2015). Starbucks Starbucks follows good governance, social responsibility and ethical conduct to the running of business. Starbucks has increased their shareholder value. The company intends to focus on maintaining relationship between company and stakeholders. There were several initiatives undertaken by Starbucks to build a responsible environment. Starbucks commits itself in upholding culture by investing in local neighborhoods and global communities. Starbucks backs youth action by providing them training, employment and education. They also raised funds with Childrens Hospital in Sheffield. Starbucks also committed themselves in creating a sustainable environment. They started providing with eco-friendly cups so that they can be recycled and waste is reduced. They also minimized their energy consumption by using renewable sources of energy. They are identifying ways in order to reduce water usage and the store designs are constructed in a way to involve energy efficiency. They also comply with g etting the highest quality of coffee by ethical trading and responsible growing practices. They are directly working with the farmers to ensure a sustainable supply of coffee. The purchase of cocoa is ensured for a long-term supply and they meet with social responsibility to their suppliers. Starbucks introduced Fairtrade International for launching new fund for smallholders. The climate required to grow coffee is a major problem for farmers in times of climate change. Such problems are addressed and mitigating strategies are designed in order to help farmers. They also applied with Giving Back To Women in Liverpool by helping women who faced domestic violence (Starbucks Coffee Company, 2015). British Petroleum British petroleum is one the largest oil and alternative energy companies in the world (Bp.com, 2015). It has set various confident and meaningful targets and reduced its Carbon dioxide emissions. It has also developed alternative sources of energy like solar power. They have used an image to create a greener environment by making the responsibilities broader that contribute to business decisions. Apart from developing a progressive approach to a greener environment, the company framed ethical conduct policy that adhered with Human Rights regulations. This regulation ensured that all operations are legal and fair in nature by eliminating bribery, facilitation payments and other illegal factors from the company. The company has proposed good business decisions and does not fail its stakeholders by creating efficiency in the organization. The company worked on its sustainable image in order to cultivate ethical behavior reputation. There have been bad phases like Gulf of Mexico explosi on and various other events that have been a result of unethical decision making. But the company strives to be fair and just to its stakeholders. The current business practices pursue self-interests regardless of the demands of human beings. Alternative sources of energy were developed for a better future of the world. The company also intends to make good citizenship by increasing its corporate effectiveness. The company pledged its name with Red Cross for providing financial support. The company also involved with United Nations Global Impact in order to maintain a sustainable environment (Hicks, 2010). Cadbury Schweppes Cadbury Schweppes was formed in 1969 by the merger of a beverage giant Schweppes and chocolate company Cadbury. The first milk chocolate was manufactured by Cadbury and continued processing chocolates till date (Seawright, 2007) .The Company takes the social responsibility seriously and seeks to improve as they have an impact on the society. They believe in respecting human rights thereby trading ethically and interacting with their value chain. It believes in producing best long term results for the stakeholders. Cadbury treats its employees with respect and care. The company gives importance to ethics and takes decisions in a way useful to the company and society. The company has an ethical behavior along with good corporate governance. They treat the stakeholders fairly. They have a well managed corporate and social responsibility and the values are achieved by business principles. They were ranked second and voted as the most admired companies for community and environmental resp onsibility in 2003. The supply chain and distribution process has direct control at the transformation stage that influences the behavior of suppliers and distributors. They monitor supplier and check if they adhere to stringent standards. They conducts environment audit for the policy. The company is a member of global coalition comprised of industry, special interest groups, governments and nongovernmental organizations. They support cocoa farmers and their families. They practice Fair Trade by paying a fixed minimum price to farmers co-operatives. They buy cocoa through sustainable tree crop management programmes. The environmental responsibilities include treating waste water before disposal, improving energy efficiency and control the release of gases in the atmosphere. The company provides high quality refreshments and meets the highest safety standards. The company provides employment and opportunities to people regardless of their age, gender, sexual orientation, marital sta tus and other factors. (Simms, 2005) Corporate Social Responsibility and ethical practices can be implemented in companies as an idealistic idea. The abuse of power by decision making must be eradicated and behaviors that will be recognized by the stakeholders must be assessed. All the companies give a right shape to their companies by increasing the social responsibilities towards a better society. Conclusion Ethical theories and corporate social responsibility can be applied by companies in bringing about success. The companies must adhere with social, legal, economic and environmental responsibilities in along with the regular state of business. The companies must take initiatives in improving the state of society and neighbors. The businesses must not focus entirely on the own business by not regulating with the legal and environmental compliances. Efforts must be taken to make a greener and healthier environment. Corporate Social Responsibility and ethical practices can be implemented in companies as an idealistic idea. The abuse of power by decision making must be eradicated and behaviors that will be recognized by the stakeholders must be assessed. All the companies give a right shape to their companies by increasing the social responsibilities towards a better society. The social practices and ethical dilemmas must be taken into account by the companies. 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