Which Topic Is Narrow Enough For A Short Persuasive Essay How People Can Lead A Productive Life
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Never Let Me Go Essay Example for Free
Never Let Me Go Essay 2009: A symbol is an object, action, or event that represents something or that creates a range of associations beyond itself. In literary works a symbol can express an idea, clarify meaning, or enlarge literal meaning. Select a novel or play and, focusing on one symbol, write an essay analyzing how that symbol functions in the work and what it reveals about the characters or themes of the work as a whole. Do not merely summarize the plot. Most children grow up thinking that one day they will reach maturity and go to college, get a job, start a life and family and so on. However, the children of Hailsham grow up only to get their organs taken from them one by one until they die. While growing up at Hailsham, their biggest fear seems to be the woods that surround their home. The woods are a symbol that represent the outside world and therefore their fate after Hailsham, but more importantly how this knowledge they have about their future is always wandering in the back of their mind. Throughout the entire description of the woods, there’s imagery of things lurking over Hailsham. The woods are always â€Å"looming in the distance†up on the hill over Hailsham and the ghost of the girl who was never able to get back in is always â€Å"gazing over Hailsham†This idea of the woods being so scary, and the scary stories that have been created about them, is symbolic of how the fate of their futures also lingers over Hailsham and the children. It seems that the only thing the children can truly be sure of is that they will be fine as long as they stay in Hailsham. To them Hailsham represents security and safety, but outside, they don’t really know for sure. All they really know is that once they leave Hailsham, no matter how badly they’re pleading to be let back in, they will never be able to return. In the novel there is a part where the kids punish Marge K for embarrassing them by forcing her to look at the woods at night because apparently it was enough to ensure for her a sobbing night of terror. I could see a kid being scared in this situation but an entire night of sobbing terror seems like she was way more than just scared. What scares her is facing her future. Seeing those woods and realizing that one day she will be there and not at Hailsham anymore. As the story progresses the guardians try to deny the rumors about the woods, but the older kids always insist they would be told the ghastly truth soon enough. Since the older kids begin to understand the truth about their futures they warn their younger, more naà ¯ve, brothers and sisters at Hailsham. The fate of the children of Hailsham is tragic and inevitable one. When you’re young, your â€Å"little kid†instincts tend to take over and you find yourself channeling your fears into something that’s easier for you to understand. For the children of Hailsham this â€Å"easier†thing is the woods.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Privacy Concerns With Electronic Medical Records Essay -- Online Secur
Prior to the Information Age, medical records were all stored in folders in secure filing cabinets at doctor’s offices, hospitals, or health departments. The information within the folders was confidential, and shared solely amongst the patient and physician. Today these files are fragmented across multiple treatment sites due to the branching out of specialty centers such as urgent care centers, magnetic resonance imaging, outpatient surgical centers, and other diagnostic centers. Today’s ability to store medical records electronically has made it possible to easily send these files from one location to another. However, the same technology which can unify the fragmented pieces of a patient’s medical record has the ability to also create a path for privacy and security breaches. This paper will examine how electronic medical records are used, how they are secured, how security is enforced, and what the consequences of security breaches are. It is important for the purpose of clarity to distinguish the difference between electronic medical records (EMR) and electronic health records (EHR). Electronic medical records are an electronic composition of an individual’s medical history including such components as procedures, past diseases, diagnosis, medications, doctor’s names, and allergies. An electronic health record is an electronic means of documenting a patient’s procedures, diagnosis, billing information, etc. at each care facility (Badzek & Gross, 1999). A movement that was first initiated under the Bush administration, accepted by the Clinton administration, and now embraced by President Obama is the creation of the individual electronic medical record. In 2009 President Obama included $36 billion in the stimulus package to... ...n%20age/315,000%20patients%27%20information%20disappears%20from%20Emory%20Healthcare%20_%20www.wsbtv.com.htm Dixon, P. MEDICAL IDENTITY THEFT: The Information Crime that Can Kill You, March 3, 2006. World Privacy Forum. Retrieved from http://www.worldprivacyforum.org/pdf/wpf_medicalidtheft2006.pdf on April 24, 2012. Foreman, Judy (26 June 2006). "At Risk of Exposure†. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved April 23 , 2012. Gellman, R. Fact Sheet 8a: HIPAA Basics: Medical Privacy in the Electronic Age. Privacy Clearing House. March, 2012. Retrieved April 19, 2012 from http://www.privacyrights.org/fs/fs8a-hipaa.htm. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, 42 U.S.C.  § 1320d-9 (2010). Moore, J. Electronic Medical Records Stimulus Package. Dec. 2009, Retrieved from http://www.electronicmedicalrecords.com/emr-stimulus-hitech-act.php on April 19, 2012.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Gasland and the Social Conflict Theory Essay
Gasland can be examined using the social conflict theory of socialism. There are three main theories of socialism: structural functional, social conflict, and symbolic interaction. The reason for social conflict being the best candidate for Gasland is because it shows how much power, wealth, and prestige the government can hold among the U.S. population. Josh Fox is the main character in the documentary, Gasland, and he can sell his land for $100,000 to the government for them to put in natural gas areas and drill wells for it. Other home owners with much land would do this to get money but then once the natural gas was set all over their land, there was a problem. After the wells were drilled, water started going â€Å"bad†and people became ill because of the contaminated water. For example, one family’s water was so polluted that their water was able to catch on fire. Another example of bad water was that the animals on a farm would drink this water and start losing their hair. These many stories swept over the United States as Josh Fox went around to homes with this natural gas-water problem interviewing folks who were all deeply concerned for their well-being. Water started turning yellowish-brown and citizens had to go into town just to buy bottles of water to bathe in and drink. It became a huge social conflict that escaladed slowly but surely. To conclude this short essay, social conflict clearly examines in this film that how opposing interests run through every layer of society. The constant balancing of trying to progress the U.S. environment is difficult when it is happening at a rapid pace. Striving for more power may just be the main cause of social conflict.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
The Reason For The Change - 1190 Words
The reason for the change in seasons is the tilt of the earth’s axis. It is not because of the earth’s distance from the sun like many people think. In the northern hemisphere, during winter, we are closer to the sun which is opposite of what most people assume. While the northern hemisphere is experiencing summer, the southern hemisphere is experiencing winter and vice versa. The sun is actually closer to the earth during the winter and farther away during the summer. Rotation is when something turns with a circular movement around a central point. Revolution is the path of the earth around the sun or one complete cycle of orbit around the sun. When the earth is revolving, it is going through the days and the year. One full cycle of a†¦show more content†¦During the vernal and autumnal equinoxes, is when there is equal amounts of light and darkness. The sun rises and sets at due east and due west. On the first day of fall in Cleveland, the sun will rise at 7:15am and it will set at 7:23pm. On the first day of winter in Cleveland, the sun will rise at 7:50am and will set at 5:00pm. I learned a lot from this exercise, I learned that the change of the seasons is not exactly what I thought it was. I learned the difference between the earth’s revolution and rotation which was very interesting. I also learned when the shortest and longest days of the year happen. It was a very informative exercise to do. The hydrosphere is all of the waters on the earth’s surface, it includes lakes, seas and more. The ocean itself, covers over 70% of the surface of earth. Around 2% is accounted for in the shape of glaciers and ice caps. There is a lot of water on earth. It makes me wonder why there are places going through dry spells if there is that much water that is on our planet. The way water moves in the water cycle is â€Å"The sun, which drives the water cycle, heats water in the oceans. Some of it evaporates as vapor into the air; a relatively smaller amount of moisture is added as ice and snow sublimate directly from the solid state into vapor. Rising air currents take the vapor up into the atmosphere, along with water from evapotranspiration, which is water transpired from plants and evaporated from the soil. The vapor rises
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