Which Topic Is Narrow Enough For A Short Persuasive Essay How People Can Lead A Productive Life
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Describe the Type of Business, Its Purpose and Ownership Free Essays
Depict the sort of business, reason and responsibility for differentiating organizations. I will be talking around two associations the principal association I have chosen to examine is ASDA and I will tail it of by McDonald’s as the subsequent association. Asda is a Public organization and is a British grocery store chain which supplies different administrations to the clients, for example, Clothing, Food, and General Merchandise and so forth. We will compose a custom paper test on Portray the Type of Business, Its Purpose and Ownership or on the other hand any comparative point just for you Request Now It has become a global store driving of its auxiliary of Wal-Mart which is American based. It is a serious huge business and has approx 231+ superstores inside the UK, and the quantity of store openings is as yet emerging. The motivation behind ASDA is to offer its administrations and products to the neighborhood customers of various territories/urban communities inside the UK and furthermore out of the UK. It offers a wide scope of administrations to its clients, providing merchandise, for example, apparel and food it is an a serious generally known association. Asda is worried in pulling in the spending market as some other business would investigate a similar kind of point, as a business it is accomplishing enormously in result to the quantity of stores and the speculation into Netto which was brought by Asda in 2010. The responsibility for is a PLC (Public Limited Company) this is on the grounds that its offers can be welcomed on the offer market making it a PLC. The reason for Asda is that they exist to pick up benefit, the openings of more stores is to pick up deals thus that more clients come into their business and so forth. As my second association I have chosen to examine about McDonalds, it is the world’s biggest chain of drive-through joint. The business started in 1940 the Headquarters are situated in the United States and the enterprise was established by a representative. In 2003 the organization had propelled the â€Å"I’m Lovin It†crusade. The reason for the business is to serve its clients with the phenomenal nature of food that they give. It is an overall organization and has more than 33,000 stores in approx 118 distinct nations, and serves around 64 million every day. The quantity of overall representatives for McDonalds is 1. 7 million, and the CEO executive for McDonald’s is Jim Skinner. The most effective method to refer to Describe the Type of Business, Its Purpose and Ownership, Papers
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Principle Of Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Guideline Of Economics - Essay Example As expressed in Sloman and et. al. (2012), different policymakers and financial analysts use GDP as the proportion of monetary prosperity. Nations are additionally frequently evaluated by their GDP esteems so as to decipher their monetary improvement in contrast with different economies in the worldwide system (Sloman and et. al., 2012). In any case, a top to bottom comprehension to the idea uncovers that market analysts can't or most legitimately ought not concentrate possibly on estimating GDP while evaluating the advancement of an economy. As it were, there are sure restrictions controlled by the idea of assessing national advancement or improvement relying only upon GDP. For example, GDP has frequently been reprimanded to need estimating the yields of all administrations just as merchandise. Therefore, the estimations of barely any products just as administrations go unrecorded; subsequently, downplaying the nation’s financial development. There are primarily two explanati ons behind GDP to need recording merchandise just as administrations. For instance, when individuals will in general play out their own work without including an outsider, the labor contributed or in any case promoted isn't recorded in GDP statics. Illustratively, if guardians recruit a sitter for their infant, the administration cost is considered the piece of GDP; yet, in the event that the guardians choose to remain back at home and convey their administrations to deal with their infant, the countable open door cost of employing an expert isn't considered as the piece of the GDP. At the national level, hen comparable characteristics stay uncounted or overlooked to be estimated suitably, the national exercises stay downplayed and the genuine estimation of monetary creation gets incorrect (Sloman and et. al, 2012). Additionally, GDP computation system likewise doesn't consider the cash stream produced through illicit exchanging that is generally ascribed as ‘underground econo my’. Underground economy explicitly involves unlawful and undeclared exchanges. The exchange could be illicit in the types of medications exchanging, prostitution and sneaking among others. Once more, the exchange can be expressed as undeclared just as in they are not uncovered for the expense reason and thus, stay unidentified in the GDP computation method (Sloman and et. al., 2012). It is in this setting GDP needs representing impalpable factors sourced inside the country to guarantee the prosperity, for example, wellbeing, bliss, and hardships. It likewise does exclude natural effects of creation capacities rehearsed inside the economy, moreover overlooking the inconsistent dispersion of wellbeing (Sloman and et. al., 2012). Quite, one significant issue looked by financial analysts when estimating prosperity or comparative elusive factors by utilizing GDP is that it does exclude populace of a country into a record. On the off chance that these factors are considered, natio ns like India and China, those have more prominent volume of populace, will be in an ideal situation in contrast with Australia, which is highly exceptional than the referenced countries as far as innovation, foundation and other creation work factors. Once more, according to the normal standards of GDP, when the creation expands it might be credited to the mechanical progression. Unexpectedly,
IMG Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
IMG - Case Study Example As of now, the organization has broadened to incorporate administrations, for example, arena possession and the executives, TV, occasion proprietorship, displaying association among others (Anand and Attea 1-23). Further, IMG has end up being an effective business realm that developed from concentrating just on one open door kind. In any case, this single open door lead to enhancement and acknowledgment of other reasonable yet related chances. This decent variety has anyway been overseen through the acquaintance of auxiliary organizations with oversee various interests of the mother organization. All things considered, McCormack (or his replacements) ought to feel free to look for assorted variety since it has demonstrated to include an incentive into the mother organization. Further, in this manner the organization will support itself against rivalry from different organizations that may try to abuse these decent varieties. In addition, the organization has set out a system that has characterized the job of some random auxiliary endeavor. Truth be told, such an auxiliary organization is at freedom to oversee itself as an autonomous organization. In that capacity, the need to take part in specialists is secured by the nearness of IMG itself. In any case, because of the dynamic flighty consequences in the idea of its business managing there may edit a circumstance that will call for expert’s administrations. For instance, if IMG or on of its constituent organization is looked by a lawful issue, at that point it will be important to enjoy the administrations of a similarly potential law office (Anand and Attea 1-23). Given the notoriety of this association, the worries of connecting with outside counseling firms have not been a worry to it. The originator and CEO of IMG have deliberately moved toward this circumstance through specialization and division of obligations. The specialization requires an autonomous organization to deal with all obligations identified with that field. For instance, tennis obligations are ran by a solitary organization, with the end goal that the players and tennis occasions, tennis communicates just as tennis courts will
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Pathology of Multiple Sclerosis Free Essays
Different sclerosis (MS) is an illness which influences the sensory system, specifically the cerebrum and spinal string. It causes harm the myelin sheath, the material that encompasses and secures nerve cells (Marieb, 2012). This harm hinders the procedure where the mind transfers messages to the remainder of the body, prompting an assortment of manifestations. We will compose a custom paper test on The Pathology of Multiple Sclerosis or on the other hand any comparative subject just for you Request Now Probably the most widely recognized incorporate agony and deadness; weariness; strolling, parity, and coordination issues; bladder and inside brokenness; vision issues; subjective brokenness; enthusiastic changes and gloom (National Multiple Sclerosis Society, n. . ). Despite the fact that the specific reason for MS is obscure, it’s generally thought to be an immune system ailment. Immune system sicknesses emerge from an overactive safe reaction of the body against substances and tissues typically present in the body (Marieb, 2012). As such, the body really assaults its own cells. The invulnerable framework botches some piece of the body as a pathogen and assaults it. The infection influences ladies more than men, regularly starting at some point between the ages of 20 to 40. As of late, an examination found that the rate of MS has all the earmarks of being higher in African American ladies than in caucasians, negating past discoveries (Langer-Gould, Brara, Beaber, Zhang, 2013). The ailment is normally mellow; be that as it may, a few people lose the capacity to compose, talk as well as walk. No reason or remedy for MS has been found. It stays a puzzling sickness with no known pathogen or even known determinants of its seriousness and course. Three as of late distributed examinations state that salt may assume a job in MS and other immune system infections, albeit no investigation has discovered an immediate connection between high salt admission and expanded occurrence of MS. On an increasingly impossible to miss note, specialists in England have been researching how the period of birth (May and November) influences the odds of having MS further down the road. It’s believed that it could have something to do with atmosphere, daylight, and admission of nutrient D (Disanto et al. , 2013). A considerable lot of the meds accessible for use by MS patients just moderate the advancement of the ailment. The most widely recognized medicines include interferons. Interferons are a gathering of normal proteins (beta, alpha, gamma) that are created by human cells because of viral contamination and other upgrades (NMSS, n. d. ). The FDA has endorsed three medications as beta interferon called Avonex, Betaseron, and Rebif. Beta interferon has been appeared to lessen the quantity of intensifications and may slow the movement of physical inability (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, 2012). At the point when assaults do happen, they will in general be shorter and less extreme. A manufactured type of myelin essential protein, copolymer I, has likewise been endorsed and it has hardly any symptoms. For progressively serious or incessant cases, an immunosuppressant treatment (mitoxantrone) has been endorsed. While steroids don't influence the course of MS after some time, they can lessen the length and seriousness of assaults in certain patients. Spasticity, which can happen either as a supported solidness brought about by expanded muscle tone or as fits that go back and forth, is generally treated with muscle relaxants and sedatives (NINDS, 2012). Patients can likewise help control side effects through sufficient physical movement and word related treatment. Exercise, particularly extending works out, diminishes solidness and advance adaptability and portability. With propels in the comprehension of the cerebrum come progresses towards building up a remedy for Multiple sclerosis. Improved capacity to make pictures of the living mind and spinal line, new comprehension of the brain’s limit with regards to fix, and a general quickened pace of new disclosures about the cell apparatus of the cerebrum have lead to new remedial systems. These systems incorporate quality treatment, immature microorganism transplantation, and neuroprotection methodologies (Joy Johnston, 2001). Recently, a biotechnology organization built up another MS medicate dependent on peginterferon beta-1a. Investigations of peginterferon beta-1a show that, when infused under the skin either every two or a month, decreased the backslide rate altogether more than fake treatment in an investigation of 1500 individuals with backsliding MS (Biogen Idec, 2013). Myelin and the phones that make myelin, called oligodendrocytes, are the primary focal point of numerous MS examines. Researchers and clinical research associations, (for example, The Myelin Project) are attempting to discover approaches to animate myelin recovery in patients by revealing the instruments engaged with myelin recovery. When found, they could in the end be meant promising new helpful ways to deal with reestablish work in individuals with MS. Step by step instructions to refer to The Pathology of Multiple Sclerosis, Papers
Outliers free essay sample
In the book called Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell, Malcolm experiences a section called The Difficulty with Geniuses, Part I where Gladwell spends this section demonstrating that a high IQ isn't a voucher for a free ride on the achievement train. He demonstrates that once you arrive at a specific IQ, you are similarly as likely as to be fruitful as somebody with an a lot higher IQ score. My musings are this is the reason individuals practice all pieces of their minds. Gladwell is an amazing author, no uncertainty. I altogether delighted in this book from start to finish and would verifiably prescribe it to for all intents and purposes any individual who has an enthusiasm for the fundamental achievement. Perusers can once in a while feel a pinch of pity when the creator discussed Langan. It is such an assortment of kind individuals who attempt to make a tremendous change and result on the planet, on account of his encounters with the entire solid development. We will compose a custom article test on Exceptions or on the other hand any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Unfortunately, Langan didn't have the great opportunity to run over a decent guide. Langan’s coach would have the option to control him and let him realize that explicitly on the grounds that the general public resembles, and definitely in light of the fact that he encountered it and felt most sturdily about it, that he should have the nerve to make change. This to some degree discusses way dependence. Not thinking about whether one is super virtuoso or not, the data that Langan originated from a useless family, implied he is bound to ineffective evermore. There are different components that become an integral factor, for example, inventiveness. Give two kids a trial of what number of ways a block could be utilized and you will locate that regardless of whether they have a similar IQ score, one may think of apile a greater number of employments than the other. High insights as estimated by IQ don't basically prompt achievement. Samantha Duncan composed, â€Å"Outliers are ordinary individuals brought into the world with a specific drive and hard working attitude, however who likewise experience extraordinary karma all through their lives†. This is consistent with some point it remains solitary. Individuals are brought into the world with a specific drive and hard working attitude, yet get fortunate for the duration of their lives. Some exploit their karma and use it against them as well. It is useful for perusers to analyze achievement and to comprehend that things are not generally as they appear on a superficial level. By burrowing somewhat more profound than the fantasy of the independent man, we are better prepared to comprehend the powers that, consolidated together, lead a few people to incredible achievement while leaving others in haziness. Gladwell, Malcolm. Anomalies the Story of Success. New York: Little, Brown and, 2008. Print.
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Author Profile Maya Angelou - Free Essay Example
Author Profile: Maya Angelou        Dr. Maya Angelou, award winning author, poet, actress, director, dancer, educator, and activist was birthed with the name Marguerite Johnson on April 4th, 1928 in St. Louis, Missouri. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, is one of her most famous pieces of work that describes her life in her younger years. At a young age, her parents separated which resulted in her and her older brother being sent to live with her grandmother in Stamps, Arkansas.        At the age of seven, Angelou was sexually molested by her mothers boyfriend at the time. After gaining the courage to speak up about what her mothers boyfriend had did to her, Angelous uncles killed him out of vengeance. Coping with such a horrific and traumatic experience, the young seven-year-old, went into a five-year period of complete silence. During this prolonged mute, she developed a love for literature. Angelou finally began to speak again at the age of twelve with the help of a someone dear to her by the name of Mrs. Flowers. Angelou went on to write a childrens book Mrs. Flowers: A Moment of Friendship. In this book, Angelou shares how much of an impact Mrs. Flowers had on her from exposing her to her new profound love of spoken word and written poetry and the importance of being educated.        After while in high school, Angelou accepted a scholarship to California Labor School in San Francisco where she studied dance and acting. At the age of seventeen, she gave birth to her son, Guy Johnson, whos father was from a short-lived high school relationship. In order to support herself and her new born son, she worked as a street car conductor becoming the first African American and first female to hold this position. In her third autobiography, Singin and Swingin and Gettin Merry like Christmas, Angelou shares how she worked several different jobs to make ends meet for the family of two. In 1950, she married a Greek sailor by the name of Tosh Angelos. After a few years, the two divorced. Shortly after, she was a featured in the Purple Onion cabaret as a singer who gained the attention of many scouts. As her career began to take shape, she began re-branding herself. Using a childhood nickname and part of her ex husbands last name, she began to refer to herself as Maya Angelou. Angelou earned a role in the Porgy and Bess production tour, and Calypso Heat Wave. She later released her first album, Miss Calypso. Along with her long resume of accolades, Angelou earned a Tony Award nomination, and an Emmy Award nomination. She joined the Harlem Writers Guild which is where she met writer James Baldwin. She was In the 1960s Angelou moved abroad to work as a freelance writer and editor first living in Egypt, and then Ghana. After returning to the United States in 1964, she published her autobiography I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings which was a nationwide success and her most famous work. Out of her 7 published autobiographies, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings was her bestselling piece but was also the one of the most publicly controversial. Upon its release, the autobiography was banned from many schools because of its topics of race, violence, and sex. Maya Angelou took fifteen years to write the A Song Flung up to Heaven to one of her last autobiographies. When asked why it took so long to be completed and published, she told interviewers that she didnt know how to account for four years of hurt to not only her but the entire African American community and yet remain encouraging. In this volume, she covers the assassination of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr., the Watts riot, and her divorce. While writing her volumes of autobiographies, Maya Angelou also had a career in film and author of childrens books. She became the first African American woman to produce a screenplay. In 1977, she was an Emmy nominee for her role in Roots. Poetry used in the 1993 film Poetic Justice was written by Angelou, she also starred in the film in the role of Aunt June. In 1993 and 1995, she also starred in the films There Are No Children Here and How to Make an American Quilt. In between film and writing her autobiographies, Angelou, released a number of poems. Her most popular were The Complete Collected Poems of Maya Angelou and Phenomenal Woman. Maya Angelou is ranked among the literary greats of the world. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings which was her first autobiography published in 1970. After years of being banned from schools around the country, later became paramount to the discussion of African American literature. It tells her life story, bring controversial topics to the surface, as well as exposes readers to great writing examples. Her two poems Still I Rise and Phenomenal Woman are of favorites for many, especially women. They are both very relatable poems. Still I Rise encourages readers to not allow the stress of the world to consume you and break you down but continue to rise and confidently defeat whatever obstacle may come. Phenomenal Woman is a poem about self-esteem. It empowers women to be confident and self-loving regardless to who else may not your value. All of which are relevant to contemporary society and arguable more relevant than ever. There is an alarming increasing rate of young women who are seeking cosmetic surgery to change their physical appearance. All 3 pieces reflect on this matter; from a persons upbringing and childhood experiences, to their mental and spiritual health. Dr. Maya Angelou has achieved more in than many could ever dream of. Being able to juggle the role as an African American single mother, author, actress, director, singer, poet, civil rights activist, writer, dancer, editor, essayist and playwright, all in one lifetime is unfathomable to many and a lifetime inspiration to all.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Writing an Immigrant Story Essay - Writing Tips
Writing an Immigrant Story Essay - Writing TipsWriting an immigrant story is not as easy as it sounds. A good story starts from a simple premise with many components and these components might change or go out of the way but always the essence remains the same. Here are some important tips to help you achieve this objective.First, you need to write a full comprehension of the immigrant story. Write your thoughts and emotions about the hardships faced by the immigrant to the country or communities and realize the worthlessness of remaining in the land of your origin. You need to know the hardships that they faced to achieve their success and keep their self-respect intact.Second, a good immigrant story needs a development to strengthen the culture. You need to understand what the immigrants thought and feel to be the main theme of the story. If you lack this insight, the story will become diluted and you might forget to highlight the main point or nuances. So, be ready to spend time t o put up the story and then write about the development of the country.Third, make sure that the story is about the migrant story. The themes are multi-layered and you can't limit yourself to just one or two parts. Look for story lines that would include both the nationalities and explain the various problems of the country and its people as well.Fourth, the best approach is to write strong narratives. Make sure that the stories are not only about the main characters but about all the characters of the story. They should get equal importance and should flow and blend with each other. This would definitely create a powerful story and will definitely appeal to the readers.Fifth, find a topic and start writing. Remember, the main task is to provide a solid basis for writing your story. So, don't worry about the length as the length would depend on the topic.A good immigrant story will impress your audience. However, if you intend to write a story about your own country, you need to sea rch for stories about the origins of the country and what it is like and also why the country has developed so much.
Monday, May 18, 2020
The American Criminal Justice System - 1398 Words
The American Criminal Justice system is arguably one of the most fair systems in the world. However, like anything it has its flaws. There are many flaws but the largest three, in my opinion, would be the fact that we have the highest incarceration rate of any other country, the high penalties for drug users, as well as the jury system. The high incarceration rates and the penalties for drug users affect each other but they are still issues on their own. In fact, many of issues within our system coincide within each other. Addressing the incarceration rate issue, since 2002 the United States of America has had the largest incarceration rate in the world. Other countries have hovered around one hundred prisoners per one hundred thousand population, however the United States. has been at approximately five hundred prisoners per one hundred thousand population. In America men have fourteen times higher incarceration rate than women, is it because men commit more crimes than women? Or is there a bias on the male population. The Telegraph, A magazine operating from the United Kingdom, says that women commit petty crimes and their criminal careers are shorter lived, and this has been going on since the early 1970’s. The top five sources of incarceration in america from least common to most common are offenses that everyone can think of. Assault, which accounts for more than one million offenses each year. Larceny, also known as theft is also one of the largest felonies inShow MoreRelatedThe American Criminal Justice System873 Words  | 4 PagesThe American criminal justice system has set up laws and by breaking the laws would be considered a crime, and depending on the crime that is broken have different types of degrees. And these crimes can be broken into three different categorize and whether or not it will be classified as a felony, misdemeanor or an infraction. A victimless crime is a crime that goes against societies values, norm but the people invo lved with these criminal acts do not feel victimized, compared to if they were beingRead MoreThe American Criminal Justice System1866 Words  | 8 Pagesthe American criminal justice system for more than two centuries. In its mandate to regulate government power to judge people accused of transgressing against the laws of the society, the mechanism of the jury allows the citizens themselves to determine the guilt or innocence of the person. Though juries have generally served a vital function in the criminal justice system, the reputation of the jury system has come under fire over the past several years. Commentators charge that the system insulatesRead MoreThe American Criminal Justice System3283 Words  | 14 Pageslaws have been one of the most controversial issues facing the American criminal justice system. In general, advocates believe that locking up criminals will protect society. Critics believe that three-strike policy can only be effective with offenders that are on their last strikes (Worrall, 2008). However, other critics explain how three-strike laws don’t significantly reduce crime because most criminals mature out of the criminal lifestyle (Worrall, 2004). There are two cases that pushed andRead MoreAmerican Criminal Justice System Change990 Words  | 4 Pagesconcept of American criminal justice system change? At first, I didn’t know anything about American Criminal Justice System. The definition of criminal justice system I looked up on the internet was that it is a system that is established to control crime and impose penalties on those who violate the law in order to maintain social order. But is it the full definition of criminal justice system in America? Are there any aspects that can be added to this definition? American criminal justice system seemsRead MoreRacism And The American Criminal Justice System1584 Words  | 7 PagesToday, African Americans and other minorities are over-represented in the criminal justice system, but under-represented politically in the United States of America. Since well before its inception in 1776, the United States of America has been a nation characterized by white supremacy. In fact, modern day America may not exist if not for the taking of land from the Indigenous Peoples on this very premise. Today, many Americans believe they live in a post-racial nation, citing the abolition ofRead MoreAfrican Americans And The Criminal Justice System Essay1688 Words  | 7 PagesThere are many ways the criminal justice system plays a huge role in the discrimination against all people of color. Mostly, there are a wide range of studies within the African American communities that expresses concern, prejudice, and even racial profiling in the criminal justice s ystem pertaining to blacks. Judges, jurors, police officers, and even marriages are key roles of the societal disadvantages African Americans have. African Americans are even being arrested more than any other race inRead MoreAfrican Americans And The Criminal Justice System1542 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction African American males are overrepresented in the criminal justice and many times are subject to harsher sentences than their Caucasian counterparts. African American males also experience racial profiling and have more negative interactions than any other population in the United States. Ibie, Obie, and Obiyan states, â€Å"African Americans have continued to be the repository for American crime and to be treated as amalgamation of presumed group trait rather than as individuals†. ThisRead MoreThe Bias Of The American Criminal Justice System Essay1855 Words  | 8 PagesThe bias in the American criminal justice system is first reported in the first stages of the system, which includes the (act of asking questions and trying to find the truth about something) and arrest of the suspected people by police personnel (American Civil Liberties Union, 2013). These police personnel discriminately target the minorities as criminal suspects, which eventually skews the racial popu lation of the people arrested, charged, put in jail or convicted (Cole, Smith, DeJong, 2013)Read MoreAfrican Americans And The Criminal Justice System1500 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout American history, the African-American population has been in the minority, and has been persecuted for hundreds of years. What Taylor-Thompson is stating is that African-Americans usually hold the minority in court decisions as well, which poses a problem due to the majority overriding their vote. Due to the racial tensions, the judicial system ultimately changed in order to include more minorities in juries, however it was lopsided during the Simpson trial. During the tumultuous 1990sRead MoreThe American Court System And Criminal Justice System1750 Words  | 7 PagesThe System Each year, approximately ten-thousand people are convicted of crimes that they did not commit (Spring). Ten-thousand people that will never see their kids grow up, ten-thousand people that will miss out on life, ten-thousand people whose lives will never be the same. Men and women are on death row for decades, only to be exonerated after their execution. Where is the justice in that? Prisons are also overcrowded and according to political scientist David Hudson, America holds five percent
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Oku no Hosomichi and Tosa Nikki Compare and Contrast
Comparing Oku no Hosomichi and Tosa Nikki within reason is very difficult because of the many factors that must be taken into account. The authors were from different time periods, the writing style is different, the subject is different, and many other things all contribute to its difficulty. While there are many differences there are perhaps an equal number of similarities between the two works, which offers a converse view of the relationship between them. In regards to the authors of Oku no Hosomichi and Tosa Nikki, Matsuo BashÃ… and Ki no Tsurayuki respectively, there are several points of interest when comparing them. One of the main points is that the authors lived in completely different times, which shows in their style of†¦show more content†¦Oku no Hosomichi is arguably an evolved form of Tosa Nikki as it is reminiscent of the Tosa Nikki in many ways. Also in regards to religion, it is a very distinguishable point that there was a great deal of religion in Ok u no Hosomichi which was not present in Tosa Nikki. There are many easily discernable religious themes like impermanence, karma, and even Chinese concepts like yin and yang. This is a key point in looking at the Oku no Hosomichi because of the fact that Matsuo BashÃ… frequently referenced many famous religious poets like SaigyÃ… . In terms of rhetoric there is an emphasis on the poetry in both works. Much of the poetry in the Tosa Nikki reflects grief and tragedy which complements the overall theme of the work. Alternately, the Oku no Hosomichi has poetry that focuses on nature and distinguishes itself in its more blatant and somewhat vulgar advances. The poetry of the Tosa Nikki was also placed towards the occasion as an accompaniment and while the poetry of Oku no Hosomichi was also in accompaniment to the situation, BashÃ… many times also included the back story to the poem in detail. It is also important to note that the Tosa Nikki was written in a combination of pros e and the more traditional waka, while the Oku no Hosomichi was written in both prose and haiku. Also the writing of the Tosa Nikki was in Chinese characters mainly because the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Effects Of Ageism On The Delivery Of Nursing Care For...
The aim of this essay is to provide the audience with an understanding of ageism in healthcare by critically analyzing the impact of ageism on the delivery of nursing care for the older person. This essay will be based from the perspective of the impact of a registered nurse’s ageist behaviour on the older patient, the nursing care of the older patient and the impact on colleagues in the health care team. This essay will also discuss theories and relevant principles of ageism, nursing care and the health care environment as well as Identifying and explaining two strategies that are effective in addressing ageism in health care. Ageism is a form of discrimination. Ageism is the discrimination of a person, or group of people based on their age (dictionary.com, 2016). Note that this can be discrimination of any age group, however for this essay, it will be used in the context of discrimination of the elderly population. The elderly population accounts for 50% of hospital sta ys, 70% of home health services and 90% of residents in aged care homes where a further 90% of residents fall victim to and experience ageism throughout their stay (Fitzpatrick Kazer, 2012). The elderly account for such a large proportion of the population using healthcare services, therefore, in turn, is the reason for a large percentage of a number of jobs existing in healthcare. As well as being the reason for providing a large amount of healthcare jobs, the majority of aged people continue toShow MoreRelatedChallenges of Caring for Elderly Patients1839 Words  | 7 Pages ​As the generation of baby boomers goes into the older adult phase, the number of elderly individuals requiring medical services will certainly magnify (Topaz, Maxim Doron, 2013). Older patients who come to the emergency department usually have more complicated conditions than younger patients. The older persons typically have multiple co-existing diseases, take different medications and present w ith atypical symptoms (Peters, 2010). The management of elderly patients is further complicated byRead More‚Äà ºElderly Care: Attitudes of Nurses‚Äà ¹976 Words  | 4 Pagesexpect that the nurse render culturally competent care and one major aim is to help promote independence and help client maintain or restore activities of daily living. The age 65 becomes the boundary of old age. Why does the age group continue to grow, Erickson said longer life span, better medicine, better treatment and better diagnosis testing answers the question. Diversity is also increasing due to naturalization and immigration, a majority of older adult live in non-institutional setting; howeverRead MoreAgeism in Healthcare6728 Words  | 27 Pagesï » ¿ Age Related Healthcare Discrimination (Ageism) in Healthcare Student Name Professor Name DHA-865 July 14, 2013 Age Related Healthcare Discrimination (Ageism) in Healthcare While the â€Å"Greatest Generation†is a title often given to those Americans who lived and died during the era of the Great Depression and World War II, their offspring, the â€Å"Baby Boom†generation, significantly shaped and improved the American landscape as well if for no greater reason thanRead MoreEssay on Nursing Care Plan2695 Words  | 11 PagesIntroduction: A nursing diagnosis identifies an actual or potential response of a patient to a health problem (Jones 2009). Nursing diagnoses are important because they provide the foundation for the selection of nursing interventions (Walton 2008). This care plan is the concluding half to the initial care plan that identified nursing diagnoses and goals with the aim of promoting the holistic wellbeing, mental health, and independence of a 68 year old Mr. Bertoli who has returned home from hospitalRead MoreProblems Faced By Senior Population Essay2310 Words  | 10 Pagesin the number of older adults throughout the world. Elderly people are the most rapidly increasing age group in Canada. In 2000 there was about 3.8 million Canadians were 65 years older. Statistics of Canada projects that by 2021, it will get doubled (Hick S., 2010, p.270). It is sure that this demographic trend will affect most part of our society, especially the health care needs and the delivery of health services. There wil l be a huge increase in the issues that affect the older Canadians. It isRead MoreDevelopment in Late Adulthood1779 Words  | 8 Pagesof the population is over the age of 65, compared with 3 percent at the beginning of this century. This dramatic increase in the demographics of older adulthood has given rise to the discipline of gerontology, or the study of old age and aging. Gerontologists are particularly interested in confronting ageism, or prejudice and discrimination against older adults. Aging inevitably means physical decline, some of which may be due to lifestyle, such as poor diet and lack of exercise, rather than illnessRead MoreA Reflection On The Mental Capacity Act2563 Words  | 11 PagesMy chosen reflection piece is on ageism, see appendix one. I will provide evidence reflecting the links between diabetes and depression, which will form my chosen seminar topic, see appendix two. I will then critically analyze the mental capacity Act (2005) and relate it to my specific scenario, see appendix three. I will explore how nurses the Act within nursing practice, decision- making, and how we access a person’s capacity to make specific decisions. I will explore any ethical issues that mayRead MoreAssessment and Nurses2996 Words  | 12 Pagesof APIE, explaining their importance in nursing, as well as identifying possible problems within the stages, in relation to the videos of Joe. These issues will then be anaylsed using theory, to create possible expla nations and consequences for the behaviour and actions shown by Joe and the nurses. APIE is a nursing process which guides health professionals through the problem solving approach, which promotes the individualised, holistic delivery of care. It is tailored around the patient’s needs
DNA Replicaiton Cause Cancer Essay - 1541 Words
Part A : Defects in DNA Replication Cause Cancer I. Introduction As known today, cancer is one of the most lethal diseases in the world. Millions of people died every year caused by various type of cancer, but the concern is that what does really caused the cancer itself? Is it because of the lifestyle people have nowadays? Or because of environment that has changed? Or even sometimes because of the flaw in the replication of DNA? There are lots of probabilities to cause cancer. In this section, we will discuss about how does DNA replication could end to cause cancer. II. Replication of DNA DNA replication is a process to create two identical molecules of DNA by unification of the DNA on the parent DNA (DNA template). New DNA strands†¦show more content†¦Well, there is a lot of factor leading to cancer. But there are some major factor that have take a big part in causing cancer to human. Major causes why cancer happened in human is because of consumption of tobacco and was found in 1964 as the biggest factor that lead to lung cancer by US surgeon (Anand et al., 2008). Other big factor that proved caused of cancer is a lot of alcohol drinking. Alcohol consumption is an established risk factor for cancers of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, liver, colorectum, and female breast, and there is some evidence of an association with pancreatic cancer (The American Cancer Society, 2011). Radiation risked human to cancer. That comes with the fact that one of the most common cancer is caused by radiation, it could be because of some common radiation in example UV (ultraviolet) light, X-ray, etc. Exposure to UV radiation is a major risk for various types of skin cancers including basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma (Anand et al., 2008). Diet also lead people to cancer, consumption of red meat in big amount with specific amount of time could lead to intestine cancer. Nitrates and nitrites in meat interfere botulinic exotoxin production in the body (Divisi, Tommaso, Salvemini, Garramone, Crisci, 2006). People who are obese have a higher risk of cancer than the normal people are. V. Treatment People with cancer must be treated with particular treatment as it’s a state where they
Software Development Company Has A Poorly †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Software Development Company Has A Poorly? Answer: Introducation This is the evaluation, understanding and the scope of the network that need to be implemented by 5Star Company (Techopedia, 2017). The network consists of various components ranging from network cabling (circuits), hardware components and software components. These components are interconnected to form a network layout or topology that represents how the network design looks like and operates. Network Circuits This consists of transmission media that allow computers to communicate with each other across the network. The main media being the network cables that are required for the proposed network include: Fiber cable This will act as a transmission media and connects networking devices for faster transmission across the network. This transmission cable will connect core components to distribution components and end user components in the network. Ethernet cat5 cable This cable shall be used to connect access layer devices to the whole 5Star Company LANs in each building. RJ 45 Plugs This will be used for network cable termination for the proposed network design. Hardware Components Network Switches This provides interconnection of other network devices within a network (Mitchell, 2017). The types of switches that 5Star Company should go for based on future extensibility factor are modular switches. This kind of switch will enhance flexibility and future extensibility for 5Star Company. These switches support modular line cards that allow addition of ports on the switch in the case of scaling the management. Router This device will allow connection of 5Star networks and extend to internet accessibility. The router will enhance communications between the three LAN networks for 5Star Company. Wireless Access Point (WAP) This will ensure that additional or other clients or workstations are connected to 5Star network wirelessly. The device will broadcast digital signals across 5Star Company at a given range. Server Components These include; DNS server, mail server, Web server, file server, DHCP server, Database server and print server. The devices will provide important functionalities in the network design. Workstations devices These are employees personal computers, office IP phones among other devices connected to the 5Star Network. Software Components These include operating systems, Network Operating System (NOS) which are executed other network for sharing resources across the 5Star Network. Another software is Anti-Virus software to enable the company overcome malicious attacks from external attackers. The network to be designed will therefore rely on the named components in order for the design to be successful (Mbaocha, 2012). Network Logical Design The diagram below represent 5Star Network logical design based on the three-layered hierarchical network model proposed for the network. 5Star Data Center hosts all the dedicated servers available on this network design. The data center processes all the requests from the workstations as well as providing assignment of IP addresses to new devices in the network. Therefor all the operations of the company will highly rely on the dedicated server hosted at the data center. Physical Network Design The following depicts a physical layout of the proposed 5Star Software Development Company. The diagram above represents the three buildings of the company which are Software Development, Technical and Administrative Building. All these three buildings have different LANs which are interconnected in the core and all accessed servers that are centrally hosted in the cloud. References CISCO, 2014. Campus Design Summary. Singapore: Cisco. Coleman, N., 2012. Happy Haven Day care network design proposal. Michigan: Network Solution Inc. Mbaocha, C.C., 2012. DESIGN OF CAMPUS LAN WITH FUTO AS A CASE STUDY. Academic Research International. Mitchell, B., 2017. Internet and Network. What is Computer Networking?, pp.1-3. Techopedia, 2017. marketing. [Online] Available at: https://www.techopedia.com/definition/30186/network-design/ [Accessed 27 September 2017]
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Business Ethics Theories
Question: Using practical examples,critically evaluate how organisations can adopt and apply ethical theories into their operations to demonstrate their business ethics and CSR programmes? Answer: Introduction Ethics is considered one the most important philosophies to run a business efficiently. The original meaning of ethics being custom or character, but the ethics in todays world means principles of conduct. Business ethics forms an important branch of applied ethics. It consists of subjects that arises moral problems and ethical principles in a business environment. Solomon distinguishes business ethics into three levels: micro, macro and molar. Micro level is concerned with rules that implicate fair exchange between two individuals. The macro level is concerned with the cultural and institutional rules of commerce in a society. The molar level is concerned with the basic unit of commerce. Business is related to both individual and society. Corporate Social Responsibility and ethical practices can be implemented in companies as an idealistic idea. The abuse of power by decision making must be eradicated and behaviors that will be recognized by the stakeholders must be assessed. All th e companies give a right shape to their companies by increasing the social responsibilities towards a better society. Therefore it has an influence on a business. The importance of ethics in business life makes it important for the companies to form ethical codes (Gulcan, 2011). Business Ethics Business ethics is a reflection on ethical dimensions followed in business or institutions. It involves analysis of moral issues and uses categories such as utility, obligations and justice. The problems addressed are internal such as discrimination in promotion and hiring. The external issues concern with the stakeholders, environmental issues and governmental compliances (Brenkert and Beauchamp, 2010). Importance Of Business Ethics To A Company Business ethics is important because the society cares about the well being. Business must use their power in a way that is concerned with interests of multiple stakeholders. The actions or a decision taken by a company affects everyone involved in the organization. The stakeholders include employees, suppliers, shareholders (Bowie, 2013). It is important for an organization to act in a way because the reputation is at stake. The businesses must act responsibly by not causing financial damage. Creating trust and value is important in a business; equally important is to maintain the value and trust. The code of business ethics is important for the company. The righteousness of the act is proven by the consequences. (TrevinÃÅ'Æ’o and Nelson, 2004). Ethical Theories Ethical theories are divided into two main categories- Teleological Theories and Deontological Theories Teleological theories are based on Consequential approach and are also known as result based ethics. Consequentialism is based upon two main principles namely- If the act is right or wrong that is judged upon the results The righteousness of the act is proven by the consequences. The Consequentialism theory is based upon two main theories- Utilitarianism- This theory can be summed up as the greatest good for the greatest number. As per this theory, actions must be evaluated by their consequences. The classical utilitarianism theory was propounded by Jeremy Bentham. The utilitarianism act proves morally right only if it maximizes the utility. The utilitarian sets out relevant alternatives that are devised by him. He lists to individuals who might be affected by the decision or while the decision making process. As assessment is made how the individuals might be affected while applying the alternative acts. An act will be chosen by the utilitarian that would maximize utility. It results in creating the greatest total balance of benefit than harm. Rule Utilitarianism is another form of theory, in which the rule utilitarianism brings out the greatest good (Shore, Coyle-Shapiro and Tetrick, 2012). Hedonism is a fundamental moral obligation for maximizing pleasure or happiness. The doctrine lies in pleasure or happiness or good chief in life. Deontological Theory follows the non-consequential approach for which the morality of actions is based on adherence to rules. They focus upon independent duties. The scientific meaning of deontological theories is the science of duty. The theories in accordance with this theory are duty theories, rights theories. The deontologists believe in acting what is right. The moral philosophy state followed is that of Kants. Professor Kant believed in a theory of doing the right thing even if it produced a bad result (Duska, 2007). Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate Social Responsibility is a concept where companies integrate environmental and social concerns along with their business operations. It is an imperative towards the community and environment. It implies the perspective of an organization to be sustainable. The expectations of shareholders and stakeholders are addressed while maintaining a balance in economic, social and environmental concerns (Okpara and Idowu, 2013) Csr Programmes According to Dobers (2009), CSR has gained importance as organizational value and gained importance for corporations. CSR involves activities that affect the social attributes and environment while adopting advanced human resources management programs. CSR is required by the organizations to expand an understanding of the responsibilities of stakeholders. Ethics can be used as a critical component that affects organizations decisions and responsibilities. CSR also helps in building a corporate reputation (Gonzalez-Perez and Leonard, 2013). Criteria Of Corporate Social Responsibiltiy Economic Responsibility- The economic responsibility in a business is producing goods and services in needs with the society and maximizes its profits for owners and shareholders. It is also called as profit maximization responsibility. It also involves maintaining a competitive position in the market. If a company decides to contribute a part of earning back to the society, it must increase its return. The profitability has to adhere with performance in the marketplace (Daft and Marcic, 2004). Legal Responsibility- Society has to comply with laws and regulations in accordance with earning profits. The laws and regulations that are promulgated by local and state governments must be complied with. The social contracts exist between society and business to pursue economic missions. The laws like equal employment, opportunity commission and environmental protection and a company breaking such laws are considered for their poor performance. The business must engage its resources for business activities and needs to stay within the framework of law. Environmental Responsibility- The environmental approach in CSR programmes includes greater use of renewable resources and greater recyclability of materials. The products produced by the business must integrate environmental management tools into business plans and maintain the environmental standards. The business must aim in causing least harm to the environment and maintain greenery around. Initiatives must be taken by the companies in promoting a greener environment (Babiak and Trendafilova, 2011) According to Morimoto, Ash and Hope (2005), the six key elements to successful implementation of CSR are good corporate leadership, integration of CSR into corporate policy at all divisions in business, good coordination between government and civil society, good stakeholder management and regulation of national and international level (Moon, 2007). The companies can have a pursuit towards long term competitiveness and can utilize a wider community with expertise. The Key Performance Indicators can be used in maintaining a balanced scorecard and measure performance. CSR helps in removal of misconduct in the company by abiding through laws and regulations. Case Studies There are several case studies in the world that have provided examples of implementing corporate social responsibility and abiding with the ethics code. These case studies are examples on how the businesses must incorporate corporate social responsibility and ethics in their business structure. These examples give businesses an idea that the business can attain profitability even with the incorporation of ethics and social responsibility. Football Club Barcelona It is the one of the most attractive and favorite club for football lovers. The club was founded in 1899. The club is commonly known as Barca in order to sustain its identity. The organization faced various ups and downs; there have been phases for success as well as failures. The management board consists of a president and vice president. Various responsibilities were undertaken and socially responsible activities were conducted in order to fulfill the goals. The company did a lot of charity work to show a concern in the society. A few strategic initiatives were undertaken by the club. The company developed sponsorships with a few nonprofit organizations and helped the government with its debt clearance. The company developed alliance with UNICEF to help children having vulnerable diseases, UNESCO in order to handle issue of doping, UNHCR in order to create a healthy and wealthy atmosphere for citizens (Ceskakinantropologie.cz, 2015). The club made efforts to rise in the eyes of pe ople to be more than just a football club. It supported various programs with the aim of providing welfare to the needy people. The foundation is based upon promotion and education of positive values of sports. The company uses children and adolescents as beneficiaries. Football club Barcelona created a sense of trust among individuals with collaboration and shared values. The Catalan contributes a certain percentage of its income to the FC Barcelona Foundation. The company invests in building self-development, community, character and belonging. The management still needs to find new revenue streams facing challenges like other business (Foundation.fcbarcelona.com, 2015). Starbucks Starbucks follows good governance, social responsibility and ethical conduct to the running of business. Starbucks has increased their shareholder value. The company intends to focus on maintaining relationship between company and stakeholders. There were several initiatives undertaken by Starbucks to build a responsible environment. Starbucks commits itself in upholding culture by investing in local neighborhoods and global communities. Starbucks backs youth action by providing them training, employment and education. They also raised funds with Childrens Hospital in Sheffield. Starbucks also committed themselves in creating a sustainable environment. They started providing with eco-friendly cups so that they can be recycled and waste is reduced. They also minimized their energy consumption by using renewable sources of energy. They are identifying ways in order to reduce water usage and the store designs are constructed in a way to involve energy efficiency. They also comply with g etting the highest quality of coffee by ethical trading and responsible growing practices. They are directly working with the farmers to ensure a sustainable supply of coffee. The purchase of cocoa is ensured for a long-term supply and they meet with social responsibility to their suppliers. Starbucks introduced Fairtrade International for launching new fund for smallholders. The climate required to grow coffee is a major problem for farmers in times of climate change. Such problems are addressed and mitigating strategies are designed in order to help farmers. They also applied with Giving Back To Women in Liverpool by helping women who faced domestic violence (Starbucks Coffee Company, 2015). British Petroleum British petroleum is one the largest oil and alternative energy companies in the world (Bp.com, 2015). It has set various confident and meaningful targets and reduced its Carbon dioxide emissions. It has also developed alternative sources of energy like solar power. They have used an image to create a greener environment by making the responsibilities broader that contribute to business decisions. Apart from developing a progressive approach to a greener environment, the company framed ethical conduct policy that adhered with Human Rights regulations. This regulation ensured that all operations are legal and fair in nature by eliminating bribery, facilitation payments and other illegal factors from the company. The company has proposed good business decisions and does not fail its stakeholders by creating efficiency in the organization. The company worked on its sustainable image in order to cultivate ethical behavior reputation. There have been bad phases like Gulf of Mexico explosi on and various other events that have been a result of unethical decision making. But the company strives to be fair and just to its stakeholders. The current business practices pursue self-interests regardless of the demands of human beings. Alternative sources of energy were developed for a better future of the world. The company also intends to make good citizenship by increasing its corporate effectiveness. The company pledged its name with Red Cross for providing financial support. The company also involved with United Nations Global Impact in order to maintain a sustainable environment (Hicks, 2010). Cadbury Schweppes Cadbury Schweppes was formed in 1969 by the merger of a beverage giant Schweppes and chocolate company Cadbury. The first milk chocolate was manufactured by Cadbury and continued processing chocolates till date (Seawright, 2007) .The Company takes the social responsibility seriously and seeks to improve as they have an impact on the society. They believe in respecting human rights thereby trading ethically and interacting with their value chain. It believes in producing best long term results for the stakeholders. Cadbury treats its employees with respect and care. The company gives importance to ethics and takes decisions in a way useful to the company and society. The company has an ethical behavior along with good corporate governance. They treat the stakeholders fairly. They have a well managed corporate and social responsibility and the values are achieved by business principles. They were ranked second and voted as the most admired companies for community and environmental resp onsibility in 2003. The supply chain and distribution process has direct control at the transformation stage that influences the behavior of suppliers and distributors. They monitor supplier and check if they adhere to stringent standards. They conducts environment audit for the policy. The company is a member of global coalition comprised of industry, special interest groups, governments and nongovernmental organizations. They support cocoa farmers and their families. They practice Fair Trade by paying a fixed minimum price to farmers co-operatives. They buy cocoa through sustainable tree crop management programmes. The environmental responsibilities include treating waste water before disposal, improving energy efficiency and control the release of gases in the atmosphere. The company provides high quality refreshments and meets the highest safety standards. The company provides employment and opportunities to people regardless of their age, gender, sexual orientation, marital sta tus and other factors. (Simms, 2005) Corporate Social Responsibility and ethical practices can be implemented in companies as an idealistic idea. The abuse of power by decision making must be eradicated and behaviors that will be recognized by the stakeholders must be assessed. All the companies give a right shape to their companies by increasing the social responsibilities towards a better society. Conclusion Ethical theories and corporate social responsibility can be applied by companies in bringing about success. The companies must adhere with social, legal, economic and environmental responsibilities in along with the regular state of business. The companies must take initiatives in improving the state of society and neighbors. The businesses must not focus entirely on the own business by not regulating with the legal and environmental compliances. Efforts must be taken to make a greener and healthier environment. Corporate Social Responsibility and ethical practices can be implemented in companies as an idealistic idea. The abuse of power by decision making must be eradicated and behaviors that will be recognized by the stakeholders must be assessed. All the companies give a right shape to their companies by increasing the social responsibilities towards a better society. The social practices and ethical dilemmas must be taken into account by the companies. The ethical theories of a c onsequentiality and non consequentiality must be put into practice for doing the right thing. References Babiak, K. and Trendafilova, S. (2010). CSR and environmental responsibility.Motives and pressures to adopt green management practices, [online] 18(1), pp.11-24. Available at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/csr.229/abstract;jsessionid=4C24BB1F44BF8196A2CB2294D020BAC8.f01t01?userIsAuthenticated=falsedeniedAccessCustomisedMessage=. Bbc.co.uk, (2015). BBC - Ethics - Introduction to ethics: Consequentialism. [online] Available at: https://www.bbc.co.uk/ethics/introduction/consequentialism_1.shtml [Accessed 26 Jul. 2015]. Bowie, N. (2013).Business ethics in the 21st Century. Dordrecht: Springer. BP: Social Responsibility and the Easy Life of the Monopolist: American Journal of Business: Vol 25, No 2. (2015).American Journal of Business. [online] Available at: https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/19355181201000006 [Accessed 29 Jul. 2015]. Brenkert, G. and Beauchamp, T. (2010).The Oxford handbook of business ethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Ceskakinantropologie.cz, (2015). [online] Available at: https://www.ceskakinantropologie.cz/index.php/TestJournal/article/viewFile/393/277 [Accessed 29 Jul. 2015]. Daft, R. and Marcic, D. (2004).Understanding management. Mason, Ohio: Thomson/South-Western. Dobers, P. (2009). Corporate social responsibility: management and methods. Corp. Soc. Responsib. Environ. Mgmt, 16(4), pp.185-191. Duska, R. (2007).Contemporary reflections on business ethics. Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Springer. Foundation.fcbarcelona.com, (2015).Foundation FC Barcelona: Who we are? | FC Barcelona. [online] Available at: https://foundation.fcbarcelona.com/detail/card/foundation-fc-barcelona-who-we-are [Accessed 29 Jul. 2015]. Gonzalez-Perez, M. and Leonard, L. (2013). International business, sustainability and corporate social responsibility. Bingley [England]: Emerald. GLCAN, N. (2011). SOME ETHICAL APPROACHES IN BUSINESS. [online] Available at: https://icongfesr2011.tolgaerdogan.net/documents/internatonal_presantations/KIN17.pdf [Accessed 26 Jul. 2015]. Moon, J. (2007). The contribution of corporate social responsibility to sustainable development.Sustainable Development, [online] 15(5), pp.296-306. Available at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/sd.346/abstract [Accessed 29 Jul. 2015]. Morimoto, R., Ash, J. and Hope, C. (2015). Corporate Social Responsibility Audit: From Theory to Practice.Journal of Business Ethics, [online] 62(4), pp.315-325. Available at: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10551-005-0274-5 [Accessed 29 Jul. 2015]. Okpara, J. and Idowu, S. (2013).Corporate social responsibility. Berlin: Springer. Seawright, S. (2007).A history of Cadbury Schweppes. [online] Telegraph.co.uk. Available at: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/2805778/A-history-of-Cadbury-Schweppes.html [Accessed 29 Jul. 2015]. Shore, L., Coyle-Shapiro, J. and Tetrick, L. (2012).The Employee-Organization Relationship. Hoboken: Taylor Francis. Simms, H. (2005).Organisational Behaviour and Change Management. England, pp.82-86. Starbucks Coffee Company, (2015).Responsibility. [online] Available at: https://www.starbucks.com/responsibility [Accessed 29 Jul. 2015]. TrevinÃÅ'Æ’o, L. and Nelson, K. (2004). Managing business ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Interview Techniques for the Job Applicant free essay sample
Describes the steps techniques required for a prospective job applicant in performing well in the interview process. Interview Techniques for the Job applicant Introduction A successful interview is composed of many parts. In order for these parts to properly combine, the proper homework must be done (Bell, 1997). If, for example, the applicant wants to find a job in marketing, having a thorough knowledge of the marketing field would be of great use. Having the proper college education is very useful, but an education only serves as a stepping off point for success in the real world. An individual must take the skills that he or she has acquired and apply this knowledge towards a career path. This means understanding ones own strengths and weaknesses in terms of a chosen profession (Bell, 1997). To carry the example further, a person interested in a career in marketing should be able to truthfully assess what he or she. We will write a custom essay sample on Interview Techniques for the Job Applicant or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page .
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Academic English Essay Sample
Academic English Essay SampleIf you've already gone through your undergraduate degree, the concept of academic English Essay Sample should have been quite simple for you to understand. The English section is a required course in any undergraduate program and its value and effectiveness in communicating information is both essential and ever so important.The English section is also important for the student to develop academic knowledge about English, how to effectively communicate in English, and to enhance his or her communication skills as an individual who studies English. And one should not forget the important role it plays in all the lives of our nation, for it's used to communicate to the outside world with ease.College students also take advantage of the essay to give them a break from their day-to-day busy schedule and give them a chance to relax and digest new ideas. The essay is a good way of doing so, but most students struggle with its translation to a final paper. It is so easy to make the term paper too challenging and it gets boring, not to mention in a competitive environment with the competition on every level.To understand why it is so difficult to be successful with the essay you need to understand the essence of the entire academic session. In order to translate this into a paper that is captivating and also more than meets the mark of what a good essay ought to be, the students need to know some important guidelines.In order to read a good essay with what you need, you need to know these important facts. The list includes but is not limited to:o The essay should be free from grammatical errors. Grammar errors are the easiest things to overlook when writing a paper.o An essay should be written from a point of view of the test taker. The test writer is not interested in his thoughts or feelings, but his performance and the level of proficiency. Hence it is imperative that you write from the perspective of the test taker, but keep your emotio ns and sentiments to a minimum.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Everything You Need to Know about Economics Research Paper Writing
Everything You Need to Know about Economics Research Paper Writing Why do exactly students need to write research papers? If there is a certain question, why is it not enough just to provide the answer? Well, we bet you would be really happy if that was possible, but the point is not in answering the question, but proving that you are right and describing the process of how you have come to that. Sounds complicated? It is so if you have no idea what to do, but you are no longer in that situation because right now you’re looking at a guide that contains everything you need to know about research papers in the economics field. Economics research papers usually try to find out in what way a group or an individual would sort out a specific problem or react to a specific incentive. Additionally, they also explore how variables change under the influence of exogenous shock. There are 2 main types of economics research papers that you are likely to get as assignments: Theoretical. The aim of this paper is to prove that a certain model can exist. It can be a model developed by another researcher or the one created from scratch. The choice falls to the theoretical economics paper when there is not enough information for the model to be tested on reality examples. It is characterized by a great deal of mathematics, theorems, proofs, etc. Empirical. This type of research paper tests the model to determine whether it complies with the reality. Unlike theoretical pieces, it contains more prose than mathematics, and the results of the research are usually organized in tables. There are many more types of economics research papers like history papers, literature reviews, handbooks, etc., but the ones that we described are most commonly assigned. It’s important to identify which sort of writing you have to produce because this way you’ll be able to choose the relevant topic. 4 Steps to Come up with the Right Title for the Paper The fact that each guide or manual on academic writing is shouting about the importance of the proper topic is for a reason – a topic practically decides the fate of your writing! That’s why it’s essential to devote enough time on the search for your perfect topic that will allow you to create an excellent economics paper. So, in order to achieve that, you need to: 1. Find out What Type of Economic Research to Conduct As you can see, each piece of the information we provide you with is connected with the rest. For this reason we’ve told you about empirical and theoretical research papers, and you should take into account this division while making your choice. Just have a look at our list of sample topics to understand the difference. Empirical Economics Research Topics Theoretical Economics Research Topics How Income in June Affects the Expenses in June How Income in June Affects the Expenses in Future Months The Influence of Tanzania’s Economic Growth on the Status of Africa Future Global Consequences of Tanzania’s Economic Growth The Reasons of Unemployment among Fresh Graduates in the USA How the US Experience with Fresh Graduate Unemployment Can Be Used in Another Country to Avoid the Problem The Analysis of Oil Price Increase in Russia Possible Consequences of the Price Rise in Russia for Chinese Oil Shareholders Working Wife or Working Husband? The Family Chores Division The Difference Between Economic Decisions Made by Children with Working Father and Children with Working Mother 2. Settle upon Something That Is Important to You If you choose a certain topic just because it is hot right now or because your professor likes it, the success in such a case is very unlikely. You won’t care enough to make the right investment of time and effort to deliver a well-researched economics research paper. On the other hand, if you choose a cause that is really significant and topical for you, you will be ready to spend sleepless nights looking for information and building up your theories. 3. Choose an Interesting Economics Topic You may say that it’s the same as selecting the topic that is important to you, and partly it is. But here we’re talking not only about you. You need to pick an issue that will manage to spark the interest of your professor as well. So, if you’re curious about why the prices on PS4 games have risen during the last years, make sure your supervisor is also thrilled to know the answer to that question. 4. Select the Issue Within the Courses You Have Taken This lifehack will make your life much easier – if you settle upon the issue that you haven’t covered in any economics courses, you’ll spend a great deal of time â€Å"accommodating†yourself to a new field. However, if you stay with a fairly familiar topic, the researching and writing will go faster and smoother. These steps will help you critically evaluate your options and end up with a really suitable topic both for research and you. Writing a Research Proposal for an Economics Research Paper A research proposal is a small piece of writing that you create for your advisor or board committee. You describe the topic of your future paper and the direction of your research. After you submit the proposal, the consignee either approves or declines your project plan. But if you follow our economics research paper writing tips on writing it, there will surely be a positive outcome. So, your economics research proposal must: Be coherent and clear (short sentences, simple academic words, realistic expectations, etc.); Be properly structured (title page, literature review, research question, methodology, the progress of work plan, list of references); Contain no more than 3000 words. Basically, the main purpose of a research proposal is to persuade the public that your topic is worth researching, is very important for the whole field of studies and will bring significant findings. Maybe it will be also helpful in this situation to know the personalities of your supervisor and board members as you’ll know their points of contact and how to convince them. How to Structure an Economics Research Paper: Methods Our Writers Choose An economics research paper like any other academic piece has an established structure that comprises several very important elements. It is essential to know the purpose and necessary content for each part, that’s why we’re going to dwell upon them in our further writing. Abstract This paragraph summarizes the whole economics research paper in maximum 200 words. It’s quite challenging to stuff all the essential info in several sentences, but the practice shows that it is possible. So, in this synopsis, you need to focus only on the most significant points like: ââ€" The topic of your work and the research question; ââ€" Aims of the research; ââ€" A few words about methods, discussion and results. Keep these points in mind while writing an abstract not to get into the weeds. Introduction There are 2 approaches to writing an introduction: creating it before all the other parts of a research paper or leaving it for the end. Both of them are working variants, but you should choose the one that seems more logical to you. In an introduction to the economics research paper, there should be 3 sections: A general overview of the research question. State why the answer hasn’t been found yet – either previous researchers didn’t think about it from the angle you present or just didn’t cover it enough to come to some sort of an achievement. The aim of your paper. What exactly do you want to accomplish with your research? The stance of a writer. What’s in it for you? Why did you choose this topic and what do you intend to do with it? Answering these questions you will give the readers a general idea of what your position is. Make your introduction concise, clear and to-the-point. It is the first full-value part of your economics research paper, so it will 100% be inspected by your professor with an excellent precision. Take that into account! Methodology This stage doesn’t require a lot of efforts on your part – you just need to enumerate the methods you have used to research the issue. The economics methodology may include statistical modelling, observation, computational methods, different types of analysis, deductive/inductive reasoning, etc. Just ensure you know what they mean and how they are applied to create adequate account of used methods. Results The results can be presented numerically, in the form of graphs or tables, or described with words. Of course, you will need to add your own commentary to link all the done work with findings, but don’t get too involved into discussing them as for that you have another section. Discussion Here you review your results including as much of your interpretation as you wish. The important aspect to do on the discussion stage is to connect this part with the introduction, i.e. to make sure you’ve achieved all aims, answered the research question and proved your thesis statement. Conclusion The conclusion is your paraphrased introduction with the addition of some other elements: here you need to emphasize the significance of your research findings and how they can be applied in practice in your field of studies as well as others. You may also extend on the prospects of the further research. References Well, a good and proper way to finish an economics research paper is to enlist all the resources that you’ve consulted and referred to while writing your piece. Don’t forget to format them according to the citation style you’re supposed to follow. 5 Fundamentals of Successful Economic Writing Crafting an economic paper is not that easy. If it was, there wouldn’t be so many guides on how to write/improve this and that to get a good mark. Consequently, we’ve prepared for you a list of 6 fundamental tips that may enhance your economics writing. NOTE: Don’t think about them while making an outline or creating your 1st draft. It’s better to apply them when you conduct proofreading/editing sessions. Moreover, it’s not necessary to take each sentence and check with these principles. If you come across a paragraph that seems a bit off, you can make use of several tips to improve it. But you can certainly rely more on your own logic. 1. Make Your Subjects Short The readers are more eager to perceive the action than the subject. That’s why, very often they jump to verbs even without reading the noun. And if you make the subject too long (we know it’s tempting, especially with the official style of academic writing), you’ll confuse the reader. 2. Analyze instead of Analysis Use active verbs to make a statement. As we’ve mentioned in a previous comment, your readers make it all about verbs and understand the information better if it’s expressed with the help of action. 3. Sentence Structure: First Old Info, Then New Info Start every sentence by linking to the statement already mentioned in a previous piece, and leave new comments for the end. This way you make your writing flow and the reader doesn’t â€Å"stumble†on incoherent bits of data. 4. Avoid Passive Voice Although passive voice is a certain feature of a formal style of writing, many experts still advise to minimize it in your writing. It makes it difficult to get who is the doer of the action, thus reading takes more time than it could have with the active voice. 5. One Paragraph = One Thought Don’t stuff your paragraphs with many concepts just because you want to include as much information as possible. Remember the formula – one paragraph equals one subtopic. This way you make it easier for the reader to concentrate on the issues you discuss. This economics research paper writing guide covers all the significant parts of an economics research paper. It is important for you to deal with one part at a time to produce high-quality writing. So, use our manual to do just that and earn a good grade!
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Analyze a story Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Analyze a story - Essay Example Hawthorne intends to show the reader the struggle between good and evil which goes on in every individual. He points out the hypocrisy which is common in the Puritan society of that age. The Puritans hide the evil in themselves underneath pretense. Hawthorne uses characterization, setting and symbolism to show that human nature is a mixture of good and evil. Hawthorne’s characters all show themselves to be a combination of good and evil. Young Goodman Brown first speaks proudly of his ancestors: â€Å"We have been a race of honest men and good Christians since the days of the martyrs†(Hawthorne, 1034). The Devil is quick to point out that the Goodman’s grandfather, a constable, was also the man who cruelly accused a poor woman of witchcraft, beating her on the streets. Under the devil’s influence, the Goodman’s father set fire to an Indian village. Young Goodman Brown then boasts of the stern morals of the general population of the Puritans of New England, who are â€Å"people of prayer, and good works to boot, and abide no such wickedness†(Hawthorne, 1035). The demon in turn boasts that he is on intimate terms with public persons ranging from the deacons to the governor. Goody Cloyse, â€Å"a very pious and exemplary dame, who had taught him his catechism in youth†(Hawthorne, 1035) al so proves to be close to the devil; in fact, Goody Cloyse is a witch who uses â€Å"the fat of a new-born babe†in her evil spells (Hawthorne, 1036). Even the pious old minister of the Goodman’s village church and his assistant, Deacon Gookin, are eagerly on their way to join the devil’s gathering. Young Goodman Brown himself is the best example of a good man who cannot control the dark side of his nature. He is confident in the strength of his goodness and asks his wife, â€Å"What my sweet, pretty wife, dost thou doubt me already?†(Hawthorne, 1033). However, although he continues to feel some doubts about his journey, and expresses his reluctance to accompany
Sunday, February 9, 2020
The solar energy industry with a focus on the SunPower Corporation Essay
The solar energy industry with a focus on the SunPower Corporation - Essay Example In every 44 seconds the amount of the solar energy that is intercepted by the Earth while rotating on its axis is greater than the total amount of energy used worldwide in a whole year (HD Solar, 2008). According to a January, 2007 issue of the Financial Times, â€Å"While the evidence for the need of an alternative source of energy is mounting, it is encouraging to note that millions are invested in tackling climate change through the use of clean energy. Calculations suggest that global expenditure on curbing the effects of climate change could be $1,000 billion within five years†(Tang, K. & Yeoh, R., 2007). However, the currently scenario of the solar power industry is presents a picture that is far from encouraging. The depression waves of the global financial downturn are being felt by the solar industry too. The ongoing credit crunch and the frozen credit markets have hampered the solar industry, which is presently struggling due to the lack of funding options for the development of new projects and that has resulted in driving up the supplies and sent prices on the solar panels falling. The SunPower Corporation is a solar products and services company that was founded in 1985. The company is headquartered at San Jose, California, USA and employs a total of 5,400 employees. The company is involved in the designing, manufacturing and the marketing of high-performance solar thermal power technologies. The company offers solar power products such as the solar panels solar cells and the inverters that are based on the proprietary technologies and processes for a wide plethora of residential, commercial and as well as the power plant purposes. In addition to these services the company also offers services as in energy efficiency which includes project management, recommendations on energy audits and technology and equipment retrofits services catering
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Never Let Me Go Essay Example for Free
Never Let Me Go Essay 2009: A symbol is an object, action, or event that represents something or that creates a range of associations beyond itself. In literary works a symbol can express an idea, clarify meaning, or enlarge literal meaning. Select a novel or play and, focusing on one symbol, write an essay analyzing how that symbol functions in the work and what it reveals about the characters or themes of the work as a whole. Do not merely summarize the plot. Most children grow up thinking that one day they will reach maturity and go to college, get a job, start a life and family and so on. However, the children of Hailsham grow up only to get their organs taken from them one by one until they die. While growing up at Hailsham, their biggest fear seems to be the woods that surround their home. The woods are a symbol that represent the outside world and therefore their fate after Hailsham, but more importantly how this knowledge they have about their future is always wandering in the back of their mind. Throughout the entire description of the woods, there’s imagery of things lurking over Hailsham. The woods are always â€Å"looming in the distance†up on the hill over Hailsham and the ghost of the girl who was never able to get back in is always â€Å"gazing over Hailsham†This idea of the woods being so scary, and the scary stories that have been created about them, is symbolic of how the fate of their futures also lingers over Hailsham and the children. It seems that the only thing the children can truly be sure of is that they will be fine as long as they stay in Hailsham. To them Hailsham represents security and safety, but outside, they don’t really know for sure. All they really know is that once they leave Hailsham, no matter how badly they’re pleading to be let back in, they will never be able to return. In the novel there is a part where the kids punish Marge K for embarrassing them by forcing her to look at the woods at night because apparently it was enough to ensure for her a sobbing night of terror. I could see a kid being scared in this situation but an entire night of sobbing terror seems like she was way more than just scared. What scares her is facing her future. Seeing those woods and realizing that one day she will be there and not at Hailsham anymore. As the story progresses the guardians try to deny the rumors about the woods, but the older kids always insist they would be told the ghastly truth soon enough. Since the older kids begin to understand the truth about their futures they warn their younger, more naà ¯ve, brothers and sisters at Hailsham. The fate of the children of Hailsham is tragic and inevitable one. When you’re young, your â€Å"little kid†instincts tend to take over and you find yourself channeling your fears into something that’s easier for you to understand. For the children of Hailsham this â€Å"easier†thing is the woods.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Privacy Concerns With Electronic Medical Records Essay -- Online Secur
Prior to the Information Age, medical records were all stored in folders in secure filing cabinets at doctor’s offices, hospitals, or health departments. The information within the folders was confidential, and shared solely amongst the patient and physician. Today these files are fragmented across multiple treatment sites due to the branching out of specialty centers such as urgent care centers, magnetic resonance imaging, outpatient surgical centers, and other diagnostic centers. Today’s ability to store medical records electronically has made it possible to easily send these files from one location to another. However, the same technology which can unify the fragmented pieces of a patient’s medical record has the ability to also create a path for privacy and security breaches. This paper will examine how electronic medical records are used, how they are secured, how security is enforced, and what the consequences of security breaches are. It is important for the purpose of clarity to distinguish the difference between electronic medical records (EMR) and electronic health records (EHR). Electronic medical records are an electronic composition of an individual’s medical history including such components as procedures, past diseases, diagnosis, medications, doctor’s names, and allergies. An electronic health record is an electronic means of documenting a patient’s procedures, diagnosis, billing information, etc. at each care facility (Badzek & Gross, 1999). A movement that was first initiated under the Bush administration, accepted by the Clinton administration, and now embraced by President Obama is the creation of the individual electronic medical record. In 2009 President Obama included $36 billion in the stimulus package to... ...n%20age/315,000%20patients%27%20information%20disappears%20from%20Emory%20Healthcare%20_%20www.wsbtv.com.htm Dixon, P. MEDICAL IDENTITY THEFT: The Information Crime that Can Kill You, March 3, 2006. World Privacy Forum. Retrieved from http://www.worldprivacyforum.org/pdf/wpf_medicalidtheft2006.pdf on April 24, 2012. Foreman, Judy (26 June 2006). "At Risk of Exposure†. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved April 23 , 2012. Gellman, R. Fact Sheet 8a: HIPAA Basics: Medical Privacy in the Electronic Age. Privacy Clearing House. March, 2012. Retrieved April 19, 2012 from http://www.privacyrights.org/fs/fs8a-hipaa.htm. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, 42 U.S.C.  § 1320d-9 (2010). Moore, J. Electronic Medical Records Stimulus Package. Dec. 2009, Retrieved from http://www.electronicmedicalrecords.com/emr-stimulus-hitech-act.php on April 19, 2012.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Gasland and the Social Conflict Theory Essay
Gasland can be examined using the social conflict theory of socialism. There are three main theories of socialism: structural functional, social conflict, and symbolic interaction. The reason for social conflict being the best candidate for Gasland is because it shows how much power, wealth, and prestige the government can hold among the U.S. population. Josh Fox is the main character in the documentary, Gasland, and he can sell his land for $100,000 to the government for them to put in natural gas areas and drill wells for it. Other home owners with much land would do this to get money but then once the natural gas was set all over their land, there was a problem. After the wells were drilled, water started going â€Å"bad†and people became ill because of the contaminated water. For example, one family’s water was so polluted that their water was able to catch on fire. Another example of bad water was that the animals on a farm would drink this water and start losing their hair. These many stories swept over the United States as Josh Fox went around to homes with this natural gas-water problem interviewing folks who were all deeply concerned for their well-being. Water started turning yellowish-brown and citizens had to go into town just to buy bottles of water to bathe in and drink. It became a huge social conflict that escaladed slowly but surely. To conclude this short essay, social conflict clearly examines in this film that how opposing interests run through every layer of society. The constant balancing of trying to progress the U.S. environment is difficult when it is happening at a rapid pace. Striving for more power may just be the main cause of social conflict.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
The Reason For The Change - 1190 Words
The reason for the change in seasons is the tilt of the earth’s axis. It is not because of the earth’s distance from the sun like many people think. In the northern hemisphere, during winter, we are closer to the sun which is opposite of what most people assume. While the northern hemisphere is experiencing summer, the southern hemisphere is experiencing winter and vice versa. The sun is actually closer to the earth during the winter and farther away during the summer. Rotation is when something turns with a circular movement around a central point. Revolution is the path of the earth around the sun or one complete cycle of orbit around the sun. When the earth is revolving, it is going through the days and the year. One full cycle of a†¦show more content†¦During the vernal and autumnal equinoxes, is when there is equal amounts of light and darkness. The sun rises and sets at due east and due west. On the first day of fall in Cleveland, the sun will rise at 7:15am and it will set at 7:23pm. On the first day of winter in Cleveland, the sun will rise at 7:50am and will set at 5:00pm. I learned a lot from this exercise, I learned that the change of the seasons is not exactly what I thought it was. I learned the difference between the earth’s revolution and rotation which was very interesting. I also learned when the shortest and longest days of the year happen. It was a very informative exercise to do. The hydrosphere is all of the waters on the earth’s surface, it includes lakes, seas and more. The ocean itself, covers over 70% of the surface of earth. Around 2% is accounted for in the shape of glaciers and ice caps. There is a lot of water on earth. It makes me wonder why there are places going through dry spells if there is that much water that is on our planet. The way water moves in the water cycle is â€Å"The sun, which drives the water cycle, heats water in the oceans. Some of it evaporates as vapor into the air; a relatively smaller amount of moisture is added as ice and snow sublimate directly from the solid state into vapor. Rising air currents take the vapor up into the atmosphere, along with water from evapotranspiration, which is water transpired from plants and evaporated from the soil. The vapor rises
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