Which Topic Is Narrow Enough For A Short Persuasive Essay How People Can Lead A Productive Life
Saturday, December 28, 2019
Rwandan Foreign Policy By Exploring And Discussing How...
This thesis illustrated a new way to better examine Rwandan foreign policy by exploring and discussing how Rwandan leaders view the international community. The traditional standard narrative on Rwandan foreign relations focused heavily on how Rwanda acted with other states, institutions and actors. What was continually missing within the existing literature was a deep understanding of why Rwandan leaders interacted in a certain way with the international community. The genocide guilt card is most notable in this fault as it heavily focused on the explaining the mechanism of guilting to which the Rwandan government used to gain state interests. While the guilt card is perhaps the most known narrative of Rwandan foreign policy, it is not the only one. And such as with the guilting, these other literature sources on foreign aid, shifting diplomatic alliances and development, do not discuss the mentality of the Rwandan government with the world. Literature on Rwanda’s military, t he Rwanda Defence Force, is the closest to uncovering how the country views the world. However, the analysis is rather limited as the focus is not on international relations, but on military-related subjects. The research presented here states that Rwandan foreign policy contains complexities of three major themes and groups. These were identified through interviews and data collected during three main periods of fieldwork within Rwanda, Washington D.C. and New York by the Rwandan officials responsibleShow MoreRelatedOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pagescolonies after 1870 as a predictable culmination of the long nineteenth century, which was ushered in by the industrial and political revolutions of the late 1700s. But at the same time, without serious attention to the processes and misguided policies that led to decades of agrarian and industrial depression from the late 1860s to the 1890s, as well as the social tensions and political rivalries that generated and were in turn fed by imperialist expansionism, one cannot begin to comprehend the
Friday, December 20, 2019
A Successful Transition From High School - 1275 Words
To be successful, means to feel accomplished. Success is a mindset that varies in everyone’s mind. Everyone can be successful, depending on their definition of the feeling. My interpretation of success is when one is able to do what makes them happy and advance in life, while being content with where they are going, regardless of the negative opinions of others. Becoming content with God’s plan for your life, and investing in yourself physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and socially, will result in a better self with much success. Personally, a successful transition from high school to college is one where one is comfortable, safe, and enjoying where they are. Being in college for a while is different than transitioning for the first time. I believe my transition to college is so far, so good. I have made a group of friends that I believe I can count on; my roommate and I get along like no other; and my classes are not as difficult as I expected, which is glorious. I want to be successful in life, who doesn’t? Different people calls for different success. Humility and gratefulness are two core values that I cannot choose from. I believe they go hand and hand with one another, and with one, comes the other. When I reach a point in my life in which I am as prosperous as I have ever been, I hope to remain humble, and remember where I am climbing from. Therefore, while at the beginning of my journey, feeling as though I have not made it close to my goals, I remainShow MoreRelatedTransition from Elementary to Middle School Essay1213 Words  | 5 PagesChildren confront many transitions throughout their lifetime that can be stressful. They face their first transition from home to school, elementary to middle school, middle to high school, and high school to college or work (Schumacher, 1998). However, the transition from elementary to middle school seems to be harder for adolescents due to the personal changes of puberty. 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Moschetti Hudley (2015) discovered that the majority of existing research claimed FGCS concern extended to financial assistance, family issues, and barriers to their success rather than what made them successful. Moschetti Hudley (2015) pointed out that FGCS reported that subsequent behaviors and reliance on their family for emotionalRead MoreStruggles with Stages of Development and Transition Points and How It Affects Identity1674 Words  | 7 PagesStruggles with Stages of Development and Transition Points and How It Affects Identity There are many developmental milestone events and transition points that help form the identity of an individual. As one transitions from milestone to another, they are not necessarily losing or gaining anything, but are adapting to their new stage in life (Bjorklund, 2011). These transitions can affect other domains of human development including: physical changes, cognitive changes, personality or identity, social
Thursday, December 12, 2019
My Role Model Of Perseverance Essay Example For Students
My Role Model Of Perseverance Essay Steve Jobs: My role model of perseveranceAs human beings, we are facing obstacles, either career wise or in our personal lives; it’s part of the cycle of nature, but within the challenges it improves our self being. Throughout my previous education, I’ve always had an unbalanced interest between academics and extracurricular activities. Due to the lack of interest in the academic classes, I have always given more importance to the extracurricular activities. While conducting research on Steve Jobs, I have learned several valuable methods to succeed in my chosen career field when you encounter problems such as: failing classes, being financially unstable, and losing your most major creation. With the methods learned from the research on Steve Job’s perseverance, I will be able to apply those methods myself on the job when the times are tough. It’s a fact that not everything goes the way we wish, and we must adapt to the outcomes or fix it. Especially when it comes to education, we try our best to make the most decent grades and to succeed, but sometimes the effort put into it does not pay off. For example, according to (Brandon Griggs, 2011) â€Å"Steve Job’s dropped out of college after one semester, although he returned to audit a class in calligraphy.†Job’s is a perfect example that grades do not define who you are neither a standardized test; after all, they just test your obedience rather than what you’re actually learning. Even though, he made the poor decision of dropping out of college, which could’ve been the end of his career, he continued to learn the way he wanted to: based on his interest. Furthermore, Jobs during the beginning of his career was financially unstable according to (Todd Frinkle and Michael Mallin, 2010) . . In my career, I will balance my budget, have an emergency account for my projects, and also focus on new opportunities that will lead me to create connections, or perhaps even new projects. In the media communications industry I may encounter many pitfalls, but with my plan I can resolve any problems I encounter throughout my career. Moreover, my first step of my plan to solve any problems I face in my career is to focus on projects that will give me a positive outcome. Secondly, I will manage my budget carefully to be able to fund any conflicts in my projects. Thirdly, during my career I will fight for a position in my industry by continuing to work harder each day, and not giving up when I face challenges. Overall, Steve jobs is my role model of perseverance because he was ambitious, always found alternatives, and continued to work despites it’s the consequences.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Substantive Procedure
Question: Discuss about the Substantive Procedure. Answer: As we all know that the substantive procedure mainly aims to determine the substantive procedure for the detection of material misstatements at the level of assertion. It would involve various tasks such as test of details of the transaction, balances, disclosures as well as the substantive procedures. In regard to the wages and salaries- In order to carry out the substantive procedure which would provide sufficient appropriate evidence in regard to the accuracy in respect of the account balance (ACCA,2016) It is required to perform the same in total taking under consideration total payroll which will involves all account joiners as well as leavers and also any rise in the pay. Also it is required to compare the same with the earlier period and of required discuss the significant change with those charged with the governance or the management. Taking into consideration sample employees, it is required to recalculate both the gross net pay as well as must reconcile the same to verify the accuracy with the payroll records maintained by them After recalculations of the deduction as per law must be done so as to determine that the deduction have been corrected calculated for the year within the payroll expenses. In addition, it is also required to analyze that wages salaries which have been recognized in the accounting period must relate to that period only. Also any prepaid as well as accrued expenses have been accounted correctly at financial statements. It is required that salaries wages have been correctly allocates in production activities and general and administrative expense as per the category (CAT,2016). 2. Electricity- In regard to the substantive procedure for the verification of electricity it is essential to conduct confirmation procedure since the same is relevant in order to determine the accuracy while confirmation it is required by the auditor to obtain confirmation from third party or reconcile the amount represented by the entity with the bills sent by the authority in regard to the electricity an must in accordance with the PCAOB (Auditing tools, 2016). Also there must be proper record in regard to meeting reading so as to have proper control over the expense, auditor must review the register and analyze the fluctuations , if there is materiality in the fluctuation must discuss the same as well as reason for the same (ACCA,2016). 3. Repair and Maintenance- In order to carry out the substantive procedure for the repair and maintenance, it would be necessary to Inquiry- it refers to seeking the required information from the person having knowledge whether in financial or may be non financial roles within or outside the company. In addition to the other audit procedure, inquiry can be carrying out thought the audit of the company. However, it has also seen that the inquiry for company personnel only would not be able to provide sufficient appropriate evidence so as to reduce the risk to low level or also to support ant conclusion in regard to the control effectiveness. Hence, it is required by the auditor to conduct or examine the documentation in resects of the same to indicate that the procedure has been performed. In accordance with the Auditing standard 11 which refer as Consideration of Materiality in planning and performing the audit it clearly prescribes that the responsibility of the auditor in order to determine the tolerable misstatement at the discloser or account level (Ey,2016). It states that at the time of conducting sampling for the class of transaction, it is required by the auditor to determine mistaken which are tolerable in respect of the population to be sampled with the purpose to design the appropriate sample plan. In the stated case, audit assistant conducted test of control for 50 transactions which were resulting provided three errors which are tolerable /hence it implies that since the tolerable mistaken in regard to the population sampled has been less than the tolerable mistaken. Hence, as a result it allow for the possibility which prescribes that the identified result would not cause the financial statement of the company to be misstated Conclusion by the audit assistant is correct. It has been provided that an amount can be recognized as liability only when it meets the criteria as follow Liability means the present obligation and has been resulted or arises because of the past event and as a result company is requires an outflow from the enterprises as per IASB. It is clear from the above that obligation arises for the company only on the basis of the past event, in the stated case company has recognized an amount as accounts payable against which goods and services have not been received till the date of audit hence it cannot be shown as accounts payable. In order to recognize the liability, it must meet the following criteria The outflow of resources is probable The value can be measured significantly in relation to the liability (Auditing tools,2016) Although it is also provided that if an obligation seems to meet the criteria of the liability but not recognition, the same can be shown as contingent liability. In the given case, the transaction not meet the criteria for liability hence it cannot be shown as even contingent liability since the good have not received yet. (2)(b) In the given case where it states that there is total error of $ 206,702 which constitute 4% in regard to the overall balance have not been material since it is less than the materiality level which has been set by the audit. Even though the risk is 4% but there must be requirement to carry on the further work or perform activities to identify the reason for the misstatement. It can be said that extensive search must be carry on for the recoded liabilities which will involves examining of the supporting documents (Auditing tools,2016) So, the conclusion by the audit assistant that accounts payable have been stated fairly is somewhat questionable. References Accounting-simplified.com. (2016).Assertions in the Audit of Financial Statements. [online] Available at: https://accounting-simplified.com/audit/introduction/audit-assertions.html#sthash.E7zBhDwo.dpuf [Accessed 2 Jun. 2016]. CAT, F. and In, L. (2016).Wages Substantive Audit Procedures . [online] Opentuition.com. Available at: https://opentuition.com/topic/wages-substantive-audit-procedures/ [Accessed 2 Jun. 2016]. Ey.com. (2016).Sampling substantive procedures. [online] Available at: https://www.ey.com/publication/vwluassetsdld/pcaob_practicealertauditingrevenue_9september2014/$file/pcaob_practicealertauditingrevenue_9september2014.pdf?OpenElement [Accessed 2 Jun. 2016]. https://www.accaglobal.com, A. (2016).The audit of wages | Students | ACCA | ACCA Global. [online] Accaglobal.com. Available at: https://www.accaglobal.com/uk/en/student/exam-support-resources/fundamentals-exams-study-resources/f8/technical-articles/the-audit-of-wages.html [Accessed 2 Jun. 2016]. www.accaglobal.com. (2016).Accounts payable. [online] Available at: https://www.accaglobal.com/content/dam/acca/global/PDF-students/acca/f8/exampapers/uk/f8uk-2013-dec-a.pdf [Accessed 2 Jun. 2016].
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